Fahrenheit Fair Enough

Ok, this will not be an important entry. Nor will it have any depth. I just wore myself out with that treatise on emotions a few hours ago. So feel free to read it, but don't read into it.

I hate being tickled.

No really, don't try it. I jerk like a spazz and kick and pull hair.

But I LOVE having my ears tickled. L O V E it!

I recommend it to everyone. Here, try it:

-Go get a pair of headphones. (Of course you need headphones to have your ears tickled.)

-Now grab the song "Fahrenheit Fair Enough" by Telefon Tel Aviv". (Sorry, it's a completely unknown, unheard band, so I put it up so you don't have to look for it.)

-Now sit and listen with your headphones as the music peacefully takes you to your happy place.

-And finally, as your cd/mp3 player rounds 1 minute and 58 seconds, you will suddenly be thrown across the room, your mind blown, as your ears are tickled in that delicious and naughty and playful and dreamy way that only ears can be tickled.

You're welcome.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
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