100 things you should know about me

1. I�m a night person. If I could sleep from 6am to noon every day, that would be ideal.

2. I have no favorite color. I�m not lazy, or uninterested, or uninteresting � they are just colors to me and it seems an odd concept that I should favor one over the others. Like �What�s your favorite letter?� They are just letters.

3. I�m attracted to Intelligence first. Everything else comes next at almost an even ranking of importance. Looks, Personality, Spirituality � whatever, it�s all important too, but you wont even get a second glance if I didn�t sense Intelligence first.

4. I once laughed chocolate milk through my nose.

5. My first crush was a tall, skinny, black girl in second grade. She ended up being our valedictorian in high school.

6. I can�t think of any genre of music that I completely hate anymore.

7. I once ate playdough on accident because someone had put it in my orange juice.

8. I graduated 9th out of three hundred and some high school kids.

9. I flunked a few college classes. Modern Ethics twice.

10. I love debate. Not yelling. Arguing a point using logic. Even if I�m wrong, I like to argue the point and see if I can convince you or even myself. If you can convince me to change my viewpoint using logic, you will have gained much respect in my eyes.

11. I will never relate to a person who doesn�t like animals or children. I may never ever have animals or children, but that�s not the point. For me to be able to relate to you on any level, you have to be someone who likes and is good with animals and children. It says more to me about the type of person you are than any other actions or words.

12. Whenever I sit, I feel a need to have my feet up. On the table, on a rung of the chair in front of me, one leg crossed up over the other � I just need my feet up. I don�t know why.

13. I can�t sip. I drink anything down in huge gulps quickly until it�s gone. I try but I just can�t sip.

14. I once dressed up for �50�s Day� in school on the wrong day.

15. I love sour. Anything sour. Especially sour drinks with lime juice.

16. I hate candy. As a kid my parents owned a health food shop and my only treats were these honey/granola balls. Popsicles were frozen apple juice.

17. My favorite ice cream is Blue Moon because it tastes like playdough.

18. I have a beagle named Peewee because she is small. Nothing to do with Mr. Herman or his big adventure.

19. I love tea, especially green. Aveda tastes better, but green tea makes me feel like I�m doing something healthy.

20. I have Nazi ancestry that no one talks about.

21. I could eat pizza or noodles for every meal.

22. I get some weird pleasure out of interrupting people who are telling me a story.

23. I like writing software because I feel creative. I don�t have the imagination or creativity to be an artist, but when I�m writing complex code that produces something efficient and useful, I feel creative and artistic.

24. Lauren Graham. That�s all I have to say about that.

25. I love Celebrity Poker. I know it�s the latest fad to be all into poker, but I can�t help it.

26. I play the bass guitar. I actually love to play � I learn songs by ear. But our band already has a bass guitar player so I don�t get to be the bassist and I�m really sad about that.

27. I can read and understand Spanish pretty well. I�m trying to learn to speak it fluently but I sound pretty chunky. I can fake the accent when reading aloud by pretending I�m a newscaster.

28. I�m a guy that dances. It�s not just to get with girls, it�s actually fun too. We�re a rare breed. It would be a waste to end up with a girl that doesn�t dance or is not impressed.

29. I really wonder what happened to Claire Danes. I can�t get enough of her.

30. I�m the singer in our band but I have an extremely narrow range where listening to my voice is tolerable. We try to pick songs in that range or adjust them, but sometimes I miss the mark.

31. If I could get paid to do whatever I want, I would travel the globe taking pictures, painting scenes, or writing. I�ve never done much with any of those interests because I�ve always been too practical.

32. I would love to go sky-diving, bungee-jumping, deep-sea-diving, mountain-climbing, base-jumping, or any other extreme sport. I never will, but I would love it.

33. I hate schedules. I hate routines. I hate plans. I hate organizing events. My CDs are not organized. My closet is just the little room where I throw stuff in a pile. My shirts are never ironed. All my papers are lost in boxes. This is how I like it.

34. I�m laidback with people too. There�s very few people that I don�t like. It would take a whole lot to get me upset with you.

35. Here�s what would do it: Look down on the parts of me of which I am proud. Speak ill of my family or close friends. Lie to me.

36. I once felt very secure about my body image.

37. I lost a very close friend to cancer. I have yet to cry for her.

38. I never had a curfew.

39. I�ve bought 4 cars on my own. I drove all 4 until they died and had to be thrown away.

40. My father was dying when I was growing up. For some reason I never doubted he would survive.

41. I admire poets with wit. Sure, some poetry is beautiful, but beauty�s been done. I�d rather have my mind blown by looking at something in a completely new light.

42. I�ve never drank more than I wanted to drink. I�ve never gone too far. I really don�t understand people losing their self-control.

43. I�m saddened by the distinct feeling that no one is like me.

44. I�m not good at the next big step.

45. I will put my foot in my mouth by saying something stupid if you hang around me long enough.

46. I can�t take cocky people. Ok, maybe you�re the best baller on the court. You shouldn�t have to say so. Let your actions speak. We�ll respect your humility more than your big mouth. I may then even do the bragging for you.

47. I have a Bjork obsession. I almost flew to Iceland to see her concert in her homeland but my travel partner backed out.

48. I like to play golf, tennis, football, volleyball, but especially snowboarding. I hate basketball, mainly because I suck at it.

49. I used to love video games as a boy. Now I haven�t touched one in years.

50. I don�t think I did so much in school, but I really love math. I�ve helped some friends with their algebra since and I found I love it!

51. I have an abhorrence towards �fannypacks�, so of course it�s become a thing with my friends who feel the need to give me fannypacks from their travels. Thanks.

52. I feel more outgoing in flashier clothes. I feel boring and shy in an old sweatshirt. So I go as metro as I can on a budget.

53. I had an afro in high school. I just didn�t know it.

54. I�m not allergic to anything. I usually don�t get real sick either, besides the occasional cough. But twice I�ve had a terrible stomach flu while traveling. Let me tell you, stranded in a hotel room or an airplane is not the best place to be throwing up.

55. My parents owned a health store when I was young. They were all about the herbs, and holistic meds, and all-natural products. In that spirit, I was born at home with a midwife. My parents planted a tree the very day I was born. They buried the placenta with it because it has nutrients and it�s some kind of tradition. The tree grew as tall as our house. We moved when I was about 8 and the new owners immediately cut down the tree.

56. I am Sicilian, Polish and German or Latvian depending on who I�m talking to about it. My grandma was born in Latvia but her parents were both German so she claims either nationality. My Sicilian grandfather claims he has mob connections or was in the mob or something, but no one really knows. His father stowed away here illegally on a freight ship from Sicily.

57. My mother�s maiden name was Franz. As a teenager, she used to claim she was related to Brother Franz of the governing body and people believed her.

58. The first movie I remember was Bambi. I only remember seeing the traumatizing part. I�m told I was taken to the theatre before that for movies like ET and Star Wars but I don�t remember that.

59. The first concert I remember was with my dad to Chicago to see Don Henly, I think. Maybe it was Robert Palmer. Someone like that. I was about 8 maybe? Anyway, Acoustic Alchemy opened for him which were these 2 jazz guys on acoustic guitars. I loved it, but then promptly fell asleep and slept all through the headlining show.

60. I was born blonde. Maybe that explains a lot.

61. In college, I liked Kant�s morality and hated Nietzsche�s.

62. I took piano lessons for 2 years. I hated it and was awful. To quit, I promised my mother I�d learn every instrument there is in the new system. After a year or two, my dad needed a bass player in his band so he bought me a bass. Two weeks later, I was playing the full set in his band at a real gig. I loved it and still do.

63. I hate carrying on a conversation about myself. I�ve only now found that it is quite easy to write about myself.

64. I will eat anything. There�s almost nothing I don�t like. I�m pretty sure I still don�t like liver, but I haven�t had it in years, I could be wrong. Otherwise I pretty much like all foods.

65. I had adorable 6 and 8 year-old studies named Denis and Benjamin from Croatia. They emigrated here because of the wars in their country. I called them the Refugee Boys.

66. I once took them sledding and had Ben on my back when we ran over another sledder and I got a bloody nose. Ben and the other sledder were fine.

67. I also once tried to use my friend Josiah as a jump for my sled. He crouched down and used his sled as a ramp on top of him. My sled just pretty much crashed into him and we both got really hurt.

68. I�ve had about 5 guys that I considered my best friend at different times. The first two I had to drop and hardly speak to anymore. The third I wasn�t speaking to but now I am. The fourth moved across the country and I barely get to speak to him. The fifth has been there all along.

69. I taught swing dance in college for 2 years. That was right around when it was trendy and in commercials and on the radio and everyone was doing it. Which of course, completely killed it. Before then, when I was about 16, you could find a really cool swing club or two in Chicago where the dancers were really good and it felt like an underground �scene� which was all my own.

70. I suppose I�m elitist about a lot of music. But it really does kill the joy for me when a band I like is suddenly on the radio.

71. I once was assigned to write a mystery. I ended up writing something so scary that I was scaring myself as I wrote it and kept looking back over my shoulder. My teacher said it really scared her. I read it recently and it still creeps me out but now I can�t find it.

72. I DJ parties occasionally but not as a job or even a hobby. I just know what I want to dance to when I go out so when I�m at a party, I�d rather be the DJ because then I know that at least I�m going to like the music.

73. I love camping mostly because of the bonfires. A good bonfire has friends, alcohol, marshmallows (dipped in alcohol), and guitar. A bad bonfire has too much wood in the fire, loud talking, any light other than fire, explosions, a radio or stereo, a lack of alcohol, and people going to bed early.

74. I like to make compilation discs. (The modern version of mixtapes.) There�s the absolute perfect song for any mood, as http://www.tinymixtapes.com/amg/ can attest. Some people have even paid me for my comps.

75. If you think at all like me, you loved My So Called Life.

76. Roswell tried to be My So Called Alien Life, but that�s ok. It was a really good try.

77. I�m getting quite good at the hypocrite dance.

78. My only venture into sci-fi geekdom is Farscape. I�ve seen every episode. There�s only been MSCL, Roswell, Gilmore Girls and Farscape as far as TV goes. Three of those shows are over, so there�s only 1 hour a week that I feel the need to tape and watch.. unless I�m completely bored and flip on the TV. But I�d usually rather pick up a book or stare at the computer.

79. Lauren Graham deserves another mention.

80. Maybe even another. But that�s all.

81. IMO, Ani Difranco is the wittiest poet since Shakespeare. Songs like �School Night�, �Grey�, �Marrow�, �Self-Evident�, and �Old Old Song� inspired me to write again. The first time since high-school.

82. Ayn Rand�s �Atlas Shrugged� was the secular book that most changed my outlook towards life. I recommend it to anyone who can get past the fact that it�s over a thousand pages long.

83. If you�re in the mood for lighter reading than that, I also like Nick Hornby and Douglas Adams.

84. I�m always hungry. You never have to bother asking, the answer is yes.

85. I think I�ve seen more concerts than movies in the theatre.

86. I�ve been out of the country probably almost 15 times but never out of the western hemisphere. I�m still not sure another hemisphere exists over there. Could be a vast conspiracy.

87. I�ve been asked to marry once.

88. I once fell asleep standing up on a moving L-train.

89. Also, I was on an L-train that crashed into another train and derailed while we were 2 stories above the ground. The train was tipping over while we waited for firemen to let us out, but no one died.

90. The most beautiful place I�ve ever been was on a cliff over-looking a bay in Costa Rica. I was all alone as I watched a storm roll in. It was the most at peace I�ve ever felt.

91. The eeriest feeling I�ve ever had was standing at Ground Zero.

92. I think the proudest I�ve felt was tying for first at the Battle of the Bands in high school.

93. I make friends very easy. I�m good at the beginning of relationships. It feels very natural to me to meet strangers. It then becomes overwhelmingly tedious work for me to carry friendships past that into close, personal, grounded relationships where the person and I know everything about each other.

94. Salvador Dali makes me happy.

95. I think Audi TT�s look cooler than any other models.

96. Not to get all metaphysical, but I agree with the pre-Raphelites, art should characterize a concept. Artists that are making a point through their content or ideas make a deep impression on me.

97. I completely love driving stick-shift.

98. I hate how it�s the latest thing in music for the singer to sound really bad and annoying and not actually be able to sing, a la absolutely any indie rocker.

99. As much as I hate talking about myself, this was actually really fun.

100. And oh yeah, Lauren Graham.

Posted by heydomsar

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