and the full and thick red beard wasn't fooling anyone.

you showed up out of nowhere, which was ironic, since we had just been talking about you, not 30 seconds before. and then across miles and state lines, months and worlds apart, you walk in to the crowded room with a steady gait, straight towards me, arms outstretched and I'm envoloped even longer than just an overdue embrace.

and the full and thick red beard wasn't fooling anyone. i knew it was you through the statement you're making. but you made it well. i calmed old men down, who wanted to ask you to leave. women gave you looks that spoke to you, even though they wouldn't.

the bride hugged you a sad goodbye, but i was not ready. the lights were dimming, but i was not ready. my friendly smile wasn't getting through to you. i needed to tell you why i'm angry. why i wont call. that i understand. and that i love you.

so i dragged you down the block and bought you a beer. and for almost two hours, i had you back. we hadn't said anything important. the beer was disguising our pain. but that was how we always were. the talk was small while underneath it lies the volumes.

i told you about everyone you knew. i told you secrets about their lives. i made excuses for them. but i didn't tell you how many had written you off. i didn't tell you the words they had for you, the things they called you. i didn't tell you what i really think of you. that all lies underneath.

and i was not ready.

then, in a silence, i prayed for the right words to say. i prayed to broach the subject. why you left and what you don't understand. why you're here now and why you should stay. why we'll wait and what holds you back. why you're wrong and why i'm right.

but the silence ended and the words never came.

we left the bar and we left eachother, and inbetween us lies the miles. the volumes. the silence.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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