it's all good

so one of my bands played tonight at a little restaurant bar & grill on the lake and i'm finally at the point where it was comfortable and easy and i didn't care or get at all nervous. i realized this when i found i still had my appetite before the gig. see, i'm a guy that is always always hungry. no matter what or when. except right before we play a show. even if i'm ready and cool with it, i just can't eat. today i scarfed down the bar's double cheeseburger, fries, and a tall hacker schorr just before taking the stage.

so it's either the fact that we finally know what we're doing and know these songs well, or that this crowd loves us. seriously this bar thinks we are the best band in the entire world. yes, they were mostly drunk, but they did tell us repeatedly that we could be making millions and playing the big stages. it's a friendly crowd, is what i'm saying. they dance a lot. and they dance big. the women get on chairs and get a little carried away. when the owner of the bar jumped up and grabbed the mike for one of his favorite songs, i came out into the crowd with my guitar and shook a little sum'in, garning a few kisses from the ladies. it's that kind of crowd.

so it finally feels all good to be playing out. it used to feel mostly good with a slight bit of apprehension and some lazy regret, but now it's just all good.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
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