Niki's Song

Ok...I love and hate this guest entry subject Dom. I love it cause its such a great way to get to know someone through something as personal as a favorite song. And to know the reasons and stories behind why that song touches their heart or transcends them to another world. I also cant wait to see what everyone chooses...this will be a very unique collaboration, I am sure of it! I hate this cause I really dont have just one all time favorite song! AAHHH!!! And to narrow down my hundreds of favorite meaningful songs down to one. I had an internal debate over which direction I wanted go. A song that stabs my heart to even think of the piano beginning to play. A song that reminds me of my dear uncle that I lost soo many years ago. A song that takes me back to a really fantastic teenage memory. An entire instrumental soundtrack that when I listen to it, I close my eyes and dream about being in Morocco, feeling the heat toasting my face and the noise of a busy bizarre. The song I finally decided to share is part of my past, present and hopefully my future.

Bach: Unaccompanied Cello Suite No.1 in G Minor by Yo Yo Ma~Master and Commander Soundtrack.The first time I heard this song was obviously during this movie. Coming from the sailing background that I have...sailing since I was 8, as a family always finding nautical sites to visiting Maritime Festival and boarding HMS Rose and other great historical sailing vessels...this movie was incredible and right up my ally. Then this song was played. I was entranced. Motionless. Still. Soothed. Captured by the sweet simplicity and the flawless strokes of the strings of the cello. When I bought the soundtrack to this movie I would hit repeat again and again. This was at the beginning of autumn. Which I already instantly get inspired and have to listen to nothing but opera and classical music, while I drive through the intense vivid colors of the fall. And this particular fall, I was pregnant. My daughter wasnt due to be born until the winter time. Well, she surprised me by coming early during my favorite time of year. Everyday that I drove back and forth to the hospital to hold and take care of my newborn premie daughter in the NICU...I listened to this soundtrack. And would hit repeat repeat repeat on this song. It calmed me down. It soothed me. It made me feel at peace just as I feel sailing under the silvery moon over the blacken waters. Hearing nothing but the wind being wrapped up in the sails. It comforted me during this trying and exhausting time in my life. After five weeks of driving to and from the hospital...getting weaker and weaker...hitting repeat repeat repeat on this song everyday...she was able to come home. I bundled her up on a bitterly cold winters day...clicked her into her carseat for the first time...and hit play. Those first few strokes of the bow across the strings still give me chills to this very day...almost three years later. I was bringing my daughter home. I cried during the entire car ride home, but felt the most amazing relief and joy I had ever had in my life. I envision myself one day walking down the aisle in a beautiful gown, holding magnificent flowers, and my daughter right beside me. Hand in hand...together walking towards the man who has fall in love with us...this song softly serenading us towards our future.

Posted by nikig
04 May 2006

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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