30 Years and counting, plus other random updates.

Romance Alive.

Saturday was my parent's 30th Anniversary party. If you see them or know their email address, tell them how cool they are for surviving 30 years together. I really think that making it that long is a huge deal. Making it and still liking one another is just pretty rare, it seems. But this couple is anything but usual.

At the party, my dad got out his guitar and he and my mom sung "I've Got You Babe" for the crowd. They meant it to be goofy and funny, but it ended up being especially heartwarming -- mostly because of my mom's admitted inability to carry a tune. But the song was perfect because the original singer, Cher, can't really sing either. So it sounded great and was really sweet.

Then the whole crowd sitting under a big tent outside started telling stories about my parents. But as we were instructed in the invite, this was a Roast and the stories were funny and embarrassing tales about them both.

I told one and got some laughs, but it was hilarious to hear about my parents' meeting and dating and crazy teenage years as told by their best friends from that time-period. The retelling wouldn't go over now, and wouldn't be funny if you don't really know them, so I'm not going to try. But it was a fascinating time and really got me hopeful about my chances for something like that. I've had a really good example of how to make a marriage work.

Two Weeks

Sunday I got to babysit my newborn niece for a few hours. That was also enlightening because I realized something I hadn't considered about newborns. Or at least this newborn. If they're not sleeping, you can't really put them down or focus attention on anything else. They occupy the center of your attention for every second they are awake. That was fine for the 2 hours or so that I had her. But if I had one 24/7, I can't imagine how I would do it. Good parents really have to be completely unselfish, I guess, because suddenly you have absolutely no life of your own in any form. Would I be ready for that now? I have no idea.

Costa Rica 071

Friday I got to see Adam and Vania again, which was really cool. Adam was my best friend about 4 years ago. When he married Vania, they moved across the country and now I see them about once a year, which is really sad. They seem to be doing great, though. I'll be flying out for a visit over Thanksgiving finally. In the 3 years that they've been out there, I haven't visited once. :( But I still find it really cool that we can pick up with friendships where we left off.

Drama practice this weekend was a little scary since there's 2 weeks left before the big day and we had to do a full dress/prop performance in front of the District Overseer and 3 Circuit Overseers. When we finished, they went in a little room and discussed their critiques for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, my fake beard was driving me crazy. We assumed we had a lot to work on. Possibly some of us would be cut altogether. But in the end the "suggestions" were minor and mainly intended for other actors. I guess they just like us to sweat it out. ;)

My buddy Mike was going to have a movie party while I was at rehearsal, but the host got sick, so they decided to wait until I was done and have it at my place. The movie was a French film called Joyeux Noel. It doesn't have much to do with Christmas, but it really highlights the absurdity of war and the prejudices that come along with it. It's the telling of the true story of WWI on Christmas Eve, 1914 when three sides of a battle laid down their weapons for a night and discovered how similar they really are. I recommend it to anyone that is willing to challenge their views on what war really means.

Tonight (after happy hour! yay!) is the Peter, Bjorn and John with Andrew Bird concert. Although he's just the opener, I'm really really excited about Andrew Bird. If I don't spit out a full review later, he's a native Chicagoan that specializes in pop whistle-harmony over looped violin. Sounds weird, but it's not.

I can only find the live version of this song. The studio track on the CD may or may not have changed my life:

Sounds a little frantic and mindblowing in the beginning, but wait it out. The CD has way more intensity by the end.

Armchairs (of the Apocalypse) (Click to play.)

i dreamed you were a cosmonaut
of the space between our chairs
and i was a cartographer
of the tangles in your hair

i sighed a song that silence brings
it�s the one that everybody knows
oh everybody knows
the song that silence sings
and this was how it goes

these looms that weave apocryphal
they�re hanging from a strand
these dark and empty rooms were full
of incandescent hands

and awkward pause
a fatal flaw
time it�s a crooked bow
oh time�s a crooked bow

in time you need to learn to love
the ebb just like the flow

grab hold of your bootstraps
and pull like hell
�till gravity feels sorry for you
and lets you go
as if you lack the proper chemicals to know
the way it felt the last time you let yourself
fall this low
oh time
it�s a crooked bow
time�s a crooked bow

fifty-five and three�eighths years later
at the bottom of this gigantic crater
and armchair calls to you
yeah this armchair calls to you
and it says that
some day
we�ll get back at them all
with epoxy and a pair of pliers
as ancient sea slugs begin to crawl
through the ragweed and barbed wire
you didn�t write you didn�t call
it didn�t cross your mind at all
and through the waves
the waves of a.m. squall
you couldn�t feel a thing at all
you�re fifty-five and three-eighths tall


He's the only artist I know that requires a degree in world History and probably Newtonian Physics just to understand his poetry. I love that.

Hopefully I'll have the same good things to say about him tomorrow. And that I'll bother to review it. I've been to a ton of concerts lately, but haven't blogged any of them. Just haven't felt up to it. We'll see.

So I hope you enjoyed my random, superficial, weekend update. I'd get into some deeper stuff, but I'm just not quite ready yet. Stay tuned. Over and out.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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