So There, Other 49 States!

In an heroic, unanimous decision, the Wisconsin State Senate has OK'd half-can free beer samples to be given away in all liquor and grocery stores in our glorious state.

Instead of once-a-week shopping, I'm going to head to the grocery store like they did in the old days: going every day for fresh bread, milk, and FREE BEER!

In fact, I think I'm out of pretzels or something and should head to the store to pick some up right now...

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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