High-Pitched Jealousy

Stores in the UK now come equipped with "silent" alarm systems that emit high-pitched squeals which only youths can hear, meant to drive off loitering gangs of underagers. Adults lose the ability to hear these higher registers at about the age of 25 and so they are unaffected.

Realizing marketing potential, companies are now selling ringtones that only teenagers can hear -- and parents are left in the sonic dark.

Youths have also co-opted the squealing deterrant by incorporating it into dance tracks that have melodies in the music that only they can hear.

Is this clear distinction between adult and child worrying or liberating?

The process of growing up used to be gradual, in my eyes. Now it is abrupt and definate, in my ears. Not being able to hear the sound, I am officially an adult. The enemy. The Man.

I'm still working out what that means to me.

Posted by heydomsar

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