in which dom joins the working class

man, i don't know how you guys do it. all you 9 to 5ers. all my jobs previously have had flexible work schedules but this one is killer. omg. it's 8am to 5pm. and it's an hour commute each way. so i'm getting up at 6am and i'm used to rolling out of bed at 9 or 10 and working at home till 6 or 7. i used to stay up until 2am or so. now i'm falling asleep after work at 8pm. i'm so old and boring!

but besides having to join the rest of the work world on a grown-up schedule, this job is really cool. it's like a real 'big-boy' job. i have an actual office with a real door and a window and a big curvy desk and even my name on the wall next to my door. it feels really weird, let me tell you. here's some pics:

one side of the office

the other side

my name-plate on the wall

as you can see... {or maybe you can't with my funky glow effects} the walls and shelves and desk are all bare. i've only ever had cubicles when i worked at an office, so i don't have enough stuff to fill up my own, real office. any cool ideas on stuff to liven it up?

so i am the youngest kid on the block there but in a couple months i'll be expected to take on a project manager role for certain aspects of the programming, being the coordinator and go-between for product vendor companies and certain departments at our company. can you believe it? me in some kind of leadership / organizational role? i don't. it's so not me. but i am a huge phony, so i should be able to fake it.

today the 4 other programmers and i had a little meeting about how to implement something or other and it was so overwhelming but in a fantastic way. these people are so smart. i love smart people. they speak solely in acronyms. i had to write down all these letters so i could look them up later and try to figure out what we were talking about. but it's great. the whole job is such a buzz. it's like caffiene or speed. it's like if you took your brain and flushed it so that it was spinning inside your head, and eventually all the mish-mash drains down and out pops something simple and straight-forward. was that a poop analogy? i don't even know.

i don't actually know what it's all like yet. i've only been there one week. but so far i'm loving the complicated, challenging, thinky, brain-work of it all. i'm excercising all that squishy, flabby gray-matter into a well-oiled, strict machine.

and for a lot of you, this will mean nothing, but if you know where i stand on these issues, you'll get a kick... the first day, my big overlord boss {who's very nice} came into my office {ha! that sounds so grown-up} and he sits down and starts telling me how the company is collecting packages from the branches around the country to send over to the troops and asks me to volunteer a few hours to sort and package. <sigh> on my first day i told my boss i am all for volunteering for charity, but i can't support the war. he says it's for the troops, not the war. and i say it seems the same to me. awkward silence. he says "ok" and gets up and leaves. great first impression!

then another lady comes in and starts telling me all about the birthday party they're having next week for some guy and what i can bring and when my birthday is. it took a couple times of me repeating, "i'm sorry, i don't celebrate birthdays" before the awkward pause. the "ok" and the quick exit. another great impression!

then! yes, then! the hr person comes down to hand me an invite to the office holiday party. <sigh> they didn't have it before christmas, they're doing it mid-january. they're not calling it a holiday party though... even though most of the workers are calling it that. should i attend? ... no. the theme they've decided to go with is Casino Night, complete with real gambling. great!

if you're lost now, you should know that i don't support killing and war, i don't celebrate birthdays or christmas and i don't gamble. so i really made myself the oddball. i'm really not a big phreak, there's just some things i don't feel are right. so to try to make friends again, or smooth things over, i brought in 2 dozen panera bagels on friday. hope it worked.

ps. i stopped by kiosh's place and left a guest-entry here if you want to read it.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
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