
The Island

I drove 5 or 6 hours Up North last weekend. The scenery was really breathtaking. All the trees are a different color. It's like a rainbow of leaves.



Sunset on North Twin Lake

Emma and Papa.

Emma and Auntie Erika look for shiny rocks on the hike.

Baby Lizzie endures the long hike with me...

I was most happy about spending the weekend with my baby niece. Nothing makes me happier in my life right now than her.

It's a little bright.  Lizzie needs some cool shades.

And it was a great chance to get some thinking done. On the 5 hour drive home, there was one particular bend in the road that really stood out to me... The colors of the leaves were just shockingly vibrant and neon and just a few feet from the road was a shimmering lake that seemed untouched by anyone ever. The sun was peeking through the colorful trees and onto the lake, playing with shadows and quiet breezes... And I was just hit with the solution to something I'd been worrying about lately. It just became abundantly clear in that moment what part of me was causing my troubles. And in the same instant, the solution was obvious.

The clarity and peace was a gift for me. I'm keeping it inside and only sharing with you the fact that I found it. That's all you really need to know.

But if I can just impress on anyone the beauty of the blessing of life that we have, I'll feel complete. If you've ever had that perfect moment, where you truly appreciate everything God's given you in your life for no other reason than his parental love, then you know what I'm talking about. There's nothing we could do to deserve such beauty and yet here it is. How can we ever be grateful enough?


Posted by heydomsar

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