RaeRae brags all about it...

I've been trying all week to be philosophical and find some esoteric aspect of myself that I enjoyed. My astounding intelligence? My brilliant wit? I couldn't decided.

And then one day, I sat down and realized there was a part of me that has always been there, and that I have always loved:

My Butt.

If you haven't been able to tell already, this is Rae from my litttle corner of the intarweb, where my blog is based on a true story.

Anyway, so Dom commissioned us to write about, nay, BRAG about some part of ourselves we liked. No caveats allowed. It goes without saying that I would write about my bum. It's become a running joke amongst my friends that a reference to my bum will surface sometime in conversation when the bunch of us hang out. A picture of it is usually taken sometime during major events (e.g. a butt-shot shows up in each collection of photos from our camping trips).

It's also becoming famous. For example, I shall quote from my own blag:

[Quick background: I'd been chatting with a dom about how another friend said I inticed people to hang out with me because I had a pleasant backside.]

domernickle: speaking of your a$$...
sassy mcsassington: BEST SEGUE EVER
domernickle: {lol}
sassy mcsassington: *gives dom gold star for the day*
domernickle: no really...
domernickle: i was out with M and A and DB weds. night because DB had a talk
domernickle: and i don't remember what we were talking about, but i mentioned your name and M said "who?"...
domernickle: and DB pipes in all excited....
domernickle:"real cute girl, blue eyes, dark hair, cute face, shy.. nice bottom."
sassy mcsassington: ROCK ON.

See, for as much as I don't like my hips, thighs, stomach, etc... The booty is un-touchable. Well, metaphorically speaking, anyway. It's very touchable otherwise. I mean, lets be frank, most of my friends have goosed me at some point or another. They can't resist. And I can't blame them.

Ok, so far, this entry has been about how other people like my bum. There has been nothing about why I like it.

So, in easy to handle format, here are the top 5 reasons I like my bum:

  1. The writer/editor in me enjoys the fact that there are so many possible synonyms for it.
  2. It provides a transportable seat. Being well padded means I can sit comfortably almost anywhere. This is comes in especially handy when sitting at on the ground or on boney knees.
  3. It is fashionably versitile. Fashion seems to go through fits and spurts with its love of the booty. Sometimes the ghetto-fabulous ba-donk is in style. This lets me flaunt my booty in all it's glory. But sometimes the pendulum swings the other way and the waif look comes back. However, this is always with the understanding that the butt will eventually come back in style. In that case, I bide my time, knowing that I am the next big thing, truely a fashion visionary.
  4. The engineer in me is happy that having a voluminous keister actually conserves energy.Dancing is one of my favorite pasttimes. With a large behind, I don't have to put extra effort into putting it out there. It's already out there.It's so much more efficient.
  5. It will always be there for me. I talk alot about body image, in my locked blog especially. And I am taking some steps to improve that: joining a gym and trying changing my diet. But I know how much weight I lose, I will always have a round butt. We'll be together through thick and thin. It's nice to have something so dependable in an undependable world.

So there you have it. I love my bum. It is silly, sexy, and sassy. It's danceable and dependable and loveable.

The End.

Posted by puter-chique

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