That time of year again...


Your favorite Milwaukee event and mine already came and went this summer. So you might as well bring on winter. My biggest stress of the year is over and I can't say it went off without a hitch, but I'm glad with how it turned out. As I mentioned in previous entries... I've had to narrow things in my life down to just including people that include me back so that I don't feel used. If you weren't part of the fun this time, I'm sorry about that, but I don't feel guilty... try harder next year. ;) For everyone that participated, I love you dearly and I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Here's the game and some of the highlights:

It started with this Online Invitation, RSVP Board, and Starting Line Riddle.

Here was the Instructions.

And the Game Challenges.

The riddles got you to checkpoints which filled in a crossword which got you to the final party at Sprecher Brewery with catered food and gourmet sodas and beers.

Here were a few of my favorite challenges:

Staging a group brawl/fight with strangers
Staging a group brawl/fight with strangers

Posing like Jacques Marquette at the oldest building in North America
Posing like Jacques Marquette at the oldest building in North America

This team had a fake riddle so Chris could be romantic and ask Aimee to be his girlfriend
This team had a fake riddle so Chris could be romantic and ask Aimee to be his girlfriend

Model in a storefront window
Team "A-Team"�

Bodybuilding Competition
Team "The Paparazzi"�

World's Worst Dancer Competition
World's Worst Dancer Competition

Roar like a dinosaur in a crowded place (I love how no one cares)
Roar like a dinosaur in a crowded place (I love how no one cares)

Impromptu SquareDance!
Impromptu SquareDance!

Touching a stranger's mohawk
Touching a stranger's mohawk

Give a stranger a pen tattoo of your team name
Team "I Can Catch A Monkey"�

Team "Superfriends"�

World's Worst Dancer Competition
World's Worst Dancer Competition

Here's the rest of the shots.

And here's the MP3 Challenge where each team simultaneously hit play on synched mp3 players and followed the fun instructions.

Let me know how we can top it next year, guys. I'm about out of creative juice. ;)

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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