
Ok, I was just going to post some pics from Stace and Noah's wedding, but then I went a little wild with Flickr...
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You'll want to check out the pics from Stace and Noah's wedding because my good friend Ana was watching their house on their honeymoon and she got a couple friends and stayed up all night and filled their bedroom with 1,200 balloons. Seriously. They filled it from floor to ceiling. When the happy couple opened the door, they all spilled out and covered the apartment 3 feet high. That is the single-most awesome thing I have ever heard.

Now watch a video of how cool it would be to jump on a bed in a room filled to the ceiling with pink balloons. Noah's on the bed, and yes, that's Winthrop running around at the bottom and you can only see the top of his head.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
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