By the power vested in me

Man, what is with all you people getting married this year?! These last three weeks, I've been silent around here because things are just getting crazy with the weddings. Three weekends in a row now, I've had to either don a tux or my best black suit and watch my friends make the biggest mistake commitment of their lives. Just kidding! I'm jealous happy for them! They will all do well together, I am absolutely sure. But enough already! This Saturday
is a 4th wedding but I am skipping it and next week is a wedding but I'll be out of the country. Then when I get back, I'm ushing a wedding. Plus 2 more couples that I'm close to have gotten engaged and are planning a summer/fall wedding. Can you believe this? That's like 14 "I do"s in a couple month's time! I seriously think it's a disease. It's going around and you'll probably get it next. I guess someday I'll catch the bouquet.

I whine because they're expensive and I feel like I'm missing out, but I actually like weddings. The first one, three weeks ago was a blast. I've known the bride since we were young and she's at least as close to me as my real sister. I stood up with the groom's sister and we all danced the night away to semi-cheesy 80's pop and whatnot. But it was great, mainly because when you're in the wedding, you feel like you're the star of the show. Then the wedding party went bowling until what, 1am? Then I went out to a diner with Rae for a chat until what, 3am? It was a great time.

The next wedding was crazy elaborate. It was for one of my buddies from Chicago who just goes all out. The ceremony was the most dressed up I've seen. It was the old hall (church) I used to go to in Chicago, but you wouldn't recognize it. The floor was lined and covered with rose petals plus there were flowered arches down the aisle and all this fancy stuff. There were 12 in the wedding party, plus relatives and so on. I was practically the only white guy again, and it was one of my first non-white weddings. Are all of them like that? The guy that married them was hilarious. It was like a half-hour stand-up. He had really good counsel and important stuff to say, but he said it all in a hilarious, jokey way. It was fun. He got them to say "I really do" and "I do! I do!" which I hadn't heard before. Then the reception was like a dinner theatre. There was an emcee that hosted the event and introduced the acts and speeches and singers. Yes, we had singers dedicating love songs during the meal. And then we finished off the night dancing to island and dance-hall reggae because my Chicago buddy married an islander who was living in Canada.

Last weekend, the wedding was cool. Nice place, lots of cool people. What was funny was how I spent most of the night with a friend and these 2 girls and when it was over, no one wanted to leave, but we kind of got ushered out and into the parking lot where we stood and talked for an hour because there is just nowhere to go at night in the small town where the reception was. After getting cold and needing a restroom, we decided to hit the late-late-night McDonalds that was around, but when we got there, it had just closed. So we stopped in the attached gas station and ended up hanging out in a gas station for another hour. In our suits and dresses! How white-trash is that!? But I had a great time at all these weddings, even going stag. And you know what? Had I been married, I probably wouldn't have done any of that extra stuff. I mean, I would have had better things to do but I still would have missed out on all that late-night talking with friends. And I'm a person who would really miss that.

On a related note, I left a guest entry over by Puter-Chique
about that... about connecting with friends and whether or not the internet helps or hinders that goal. So go over and read it because I'd like to know what you think about the issue. Thanks!

So I hope to update a couple more times before my trip next month and you'll want to watch closely because I'm going to be giving you all an assignment for while I'm gone. Also, you'll need the link to this webcam so that you can sit by the computer and watch it for 2 and a half-weeks because I'm going to be waving into it at some point and then you can wave back. Only, you'll only be waving at your monitor, so I wont see that part. But still. It will be exciting to see me on the other side of the world and all.

So did you go tell us your thoughts about connection and technology at Rae's place? Good. Now you can tell me if being married means you've stopped staying out late and talking with other people. Because I think that's what happens. And if you're not married, feel free to invite me to the wedding in the comments here because I'm sure you'll be getting married in the next few weeks.

k, bye!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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