Guess What!!

That's what!

Eight days after my car window was smashed and my stereo stolen, I got sideswiped by a Mercedes who doesn't like stop signs.

I drove it one block back to my parking lot and the wheel was leaning almost horizontally.

The guy tried to claim I was speeding but he got the ticket for failure to yield. Now his insurance can't get a hold of him so I can't get a loaner/new car until Monday. Good times!

Although, I have to say... if you're going to get hit by someone, try to get hit by someone with Progressive Auto Insurance. I guess it's part of their policy to send over a really cute young damage estimator girl who is in town for the weekend from Seattle and wants you to show her around town on her day off. Only, try not to have someone with Progressive hit you on a day that's below zero out because the cute damage estimator girl from Seattle that they'll send over will not be used to the chill and will have snot running out of her nose like a faucet which tends to lessen the "cute" part of the cute young girl thing she's got going.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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