i am dom�s guest entry 69...

Just to avoid any confusion, this isn�t Dom. He�s away on vacation and for the duration of this entry, Derrick [subliminal] add him and he will hump your leg for free [/subliminal] will be taking the helm. Leave it to Dom to go vacationing in some nice warm tropical place and leave some of his readers with a tough guest assignment. Basically he wants some of us to explain what one thing that we like about ourselves with no disqualifiers or counter-statements of humility, and to keep it PG-13 no less. There goes my whole tirade of how I love myself quite frequently and all the lovely NC-17 details contained therein. And yes, I know the title is pushing the envelope, but hey that�s me. ;)

Seriously though, is there something I actually like about myself, something that I would be un-bashfully willing to share with Dom�s lovely pool of readers? Well, I gave it some thought and yes, aside from loving myself quite frequently, I do have something that I like about myself that is PG-13 that I am willing to share with total (and a few not so total) strangers and I�m willing to do it (though I will be fighting hard not to) without my trademark self-deprecation that seems to spice-fully pepper my own diary.

So where was I? Oh yeah, my self-like. If I had to melt all the things I like about myself down into one word, its curiosity. Intellectually speaking, I am a seeker of truth in all things. I have this thirst for knowledge. I want to know how things work, how people work and how the universe works and I try my best to treat my �discoveries� with an unbiased mind. In other words I realize that my interpretation of the universe is that, just an interpretation and I never hold the knowledge I�ve gathered over any one else�s head, rather I take interest in other interpretations and question my own ideas in hopes that I will bring myself closer to the truth, whatever that may be.

If there is any one big �discovery� that I have found in my quest for the �truth�, it is that there are no absolutes, at least in this universe that we live in. Things that we commonly believe are absolute, such as �up� and �down� exist only within a frame of reference and when you step back from that frame of reference and see the larger picture, �up� becomes �away from the gravitational pull of the Earth� and �down� is well, a bunch of upside-down people in China, or maybe it�s we that are upside-down to them. In the end the �truth� ultimately becomes what you or whoever else resides in this universe, decides what to make of it. You can choose to create your destiny or you can choose to have the wind guide your life�s course. Either way there is some conscious decision making going on here.

The closest idea I can come to for an �absolute� is a god or an omnipotent/omniscient godlike entity. I won�t go as far as to deny the existence of such a being, lest he or she shall smite me with his or her mighty love hammer (there�s no love like tough love). What I can say is that if such a being or thing exists, it is well beyond our own finite capacity to comprehend, much like trying to put the contents of an ocean into a teacup. You can choose what to fill your cup with, you can taste what is in it, but ultimately it�s not about knowing everything. Rather, it is about understanding, knowing and owning the moment, tasting what is in your cup, emptying it and being ready to experience the next moment.

So, anyway, I can go on and on about this, but I see that you are slowly slipping into a coma. Just be glad that Dom requested that this entry be PG-13, otherwise I would have been giving out way too many details about how I love myself, on quite a regular basis I might add. I�ll just have the nurse bring you some smelling salts to help you recover from your lapse of consciousness and I shall take leave of Dom�s diary and allow the other guest writers to have their say in his domain. Until next time...

Posted by liquid-mojo

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