15 Notes for 15 People

  1. We had so much fun during the time in my life when I was all about fun. Thanks for helping me see that that's all it was.
  2. I heard what you really think and now we pretend I didn't but we'll both always know.
  3. You are perfect for me in every way that doesn't matter and none of the ways that do. Still it's increasingly difficult for me to keep my distance.
  4. You are perfect for me in every way that matters. And still I want what's bad for me.
  5. We were best friends because we didn't know anyone else. I hope you're doing well, but I'm really not that interested.
  6. I loved you but there are some things I wont stand for. I'm sorry you decided you'd rather have those things than me.
  7. Now that I don't respect you, I don't know who I am anymore.
  8. I am just like you and that makes me proud.
  9. I wish we could be closer, but I think you know the reason we can't.
  10. I miss your touch while I sleep.
  11. Your faith inspired me to dedicate my life to a purpose. I think I loved you for that alone.
  12. I regret that he acted first, but honestly, you're better off that way.
  13. I knew how you acted when I wasn't around, but I didn't care, and now I wish I had.
  14. I hate the doubts you put in my head but I can't help but value your opinion.
  15. You think I'm joking, but I'm not.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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