
it's late and i only have time for the briefest of briefly brief updates about everything. {don't you love that word?}

- start the new job tomorrow! i've been looking forward to it like crazy. hope i'm not laughed out of the building for complete incompetence or something crazy. though i'm fairly confident i'll know what i'm doing.

- loving how i can now delete the daily emails i get from monster and hotjobs and milwaukeejobs and computerjobs etc. because i don't need them! i don't make them stop coming because i'm having so much fun deleting them without even looking. a new job opportunity was found in my area? thanks, but i don't need it!!

- i bought my tickets for my whirlwind european tour! hope the new job lets me go. it's for may. i'm sure i'll be blogging about it since i've never been there and am completely excited.

- people in my life updates... g'pa: he's had his surgeries and was stuck in the hospital for weeks upon weeks and wasn't getting any better. he finally had enough strength to get home to arizona where he went back in the hospital because on the plane ride home, he had some kind of burst in his incision and it was very bad and not right inside. it healed painfully slowly over a few weeks and is now at home in az but is not up to speed. we hope he recovers or they figure out why he's not. still a worry.

- cousin: he's officially out of his "coma" status, AFAIK. {i guess you can still be technically in a coma even after you awake and move about and respond and everything} physically, he will recover fully. he is walking with slight balance problems, but that's all. mentally, we don't know. he's come such a long way and is getting better and better. he's at home now and visiting the hospital 3 times a week as outpatient therapy. not sure what he'll be able to handle mentally for a job or anything. i need to visit more.

- "friends" with choice words to say about me: well, i've let it go. i never had the big confrontation and i don't want to. i've been able to converse and it hasn't been real awkward. i'm hoping things get better there too, but i also know that i don't really consider them "friends" anymore.

- semi-finished a web project of mine. go here: i did that. there's still some server issues because it's not running my php. {so the contractors page and the feedback form don't work yet and they did on my test server}. but i'm proud of that one. let me know if you need any web work! *edit: everything's up and running and i can get paid. yay!

- i have some bonus string mix songs to post based on feedback you've all given me. tell me what you liked and you'll get more of stuff like that. see, comments make this site interactive! more fun for all of us.

- kiosh asked me about my top 5 musical moments and then said i should post them. here they are:

#1 without a doubt, my band winning the battle of the bands. we did a 4 song swing medley with dancers and costumes and ended with a funny rendition of pretty fly for a white guy....

#2 bjork in chicago on the vespertine tour, 2 hours of tingly goose-pimpled arms and breathless gasps....

#3 coldplay at first ave. in minneapolis where i was 1 of less than a hundred people and they weren't very famous and i had my best friend and we had a connection over the song "we never change" and they played it.

#4 listening to the ensemble mix of sun in my mouth while looking out a plane window flying to texas and feeling like i was flying in the clouds without the need of a plane or drugs.

#5 a love mix my ex gave me that made me fall in love with her at the time. i cried the whole time i drove home out of sheer joy and love or something sappy.

silly huh?

- and here's the results of a little quiz i took that was intended to discover what is on my subconscious mind. of course the questions were lame and the answers probably fit everyone who ever lived ever. but in some way, they do fit me right now.

Dominic, your subconscious mind is most preoccupied with issues around your love life

On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to your love life. But it's also possible that thoughts and feelings about your romantic life have been preoccupying your subconscious mind � leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.

You may feel your love life is unfulfilling and needs a jumpstart. You might be going through a lot of changes in your love life that you find emotionally draining. You might simply spend a lot of time thinking about romantic relationships. Or maybe you're so frustrated with your situation that you avoid the topic all together.

Whichever feelings hold true, your test results indicate that right now, your subconscious mind is working overtime to resolve the issues confronting you in this area of your life � even if you don't feel aware of it.

and that might be it for the breefy updates right now because it's 12:42 and for the first time in a long time, i have to get up early for work.

night kids!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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