Song(s) Submission: Transitional Things

Remember back in May, while I was in Europe and I hosted that Guest Entry Frenzy where I gave each of you the assignment to tell me about the song the means the absolute most to you? And a ton of you awesome readers left beautiful posts for which I was left stunned and grateful. And I told you I would add my submission and then compile the responses and offer it as one of my monthly mixes (which yes, I know, are no longer monthly because I haven't done one in a while)...

Well, I got a late submission from ClassicRose and I told her I'd still post it because my submission and the compilation haven't come yet. So now I'm finally getting around to posting her entry and then next is mine and then next is the mix with everyone's songs. (If you still want to get in on this, you have maybe 3 days to let me know.) So here she is...


It's not a recent discovery, but my life is solidly founded in the ironic. I want to move to Milwaukee, so I move in the opposite direction to Madison. I have strongly felt opinions, they are proved decisively wrong. My ducks seem to be lining up nicely and then they get hit by a truck. Oh you know, little things like that.

So when I discovered The Weakerthans I finally felt like I found my voice. Primarily describing themselves as punk, The Weakerthans have alot of anarchisitic influence, but possibly because of that the lyrics about the frusteration of the world and each persons tiny and sometimes futile feeling role in it make me feel as if the songs were built for me. I couldn't choose one so here are two off my favorite album "Left and Leaving"


I feel like the life I've stepped into is so disconnected to where I thought I would be. thats probably why I enjoy the chorus so much ...And I'm leaning on a broken fence between Past and Present tense. And I'm losing all these stupid games that I swore I'd never play. And it almost feels okay.

In the end yeah i'm frusterated and i think I can never find a place that fits for me in life but thats also why I like the songs determination at the end ...Leaving. Wave goodbye Losing, but I'll try, with the last ways left, to remember. Sing my imperfect offering

Here is the whole thing since I don't know which Dom will choose for the compilation

"Measure me in metered lines, in one decisive stare, the time it takes to get from here to there. My ribs that show through t-shirts and these shoes I got for free; I'm unconsoled, I'm lonely. I am so much better than I used to be. Terrified of telephones and shopping mall, and knives, and drowning in the pools of over lives. Rely a bit to heavily on alcohol and irony. Get clobbered on by courtesy, in love with love, and lousy poetry. And I'm leaning on a broken fence between Past and Present tense. And I'm losing all these stupid games that I swore I'd never play. And it almost feels okay. Circumnavigate this body of wonder and uncertainty. Armed with every previous failure, and amateur cartography, I breathe in deep before I spread these maps out on my bedroom floor. Leaving. Wave goodbye Losing, but I'll try, with the last ways left, to remember. Sing my imperfect offering."


On the Album this track immediately follows "Aside" and it's so appropriate. "Watermark" makes me think of all the silly but good things that i've done with friends. Like freestyle walking down the street, or other slightly inappropriate things in public places. I think of youth when I hear this song, I want to go sledding, or go on a rollercoaster, or just sit around and be extremely weird when I hear the lines of this song especially ...but the airport's almost empty this time of the year, so let's go play on a baggage carousel. Set our watches forward like we're just arriving here from a past we left in a place we knew too well...

it's a reminder to pickup your past once in a while and watch the memories sparkle back at you like when it says ...Hold on to the corners of today, and we'll fold it up to save until it's needed.

"I count to three and grin. You smile and let me in. We sit and watch the wall you painted purple. Speech will spill on space. Our little cups of grace. But pauses rattle on about the way that you cut the snow-fence, braved the blood, the metal of those hearts that you always end up pressing your tongue to. How your body still remembers things you told it to forget. How those furious affections followed you. I've got this store-bought way of saying I'm okay, and you learned how to cry in total silence. We're talented and bright. We're lonely and uptight. We've found some lovely ways to disappoint, but the airport's almost empty this time of the year, so let's go play on a baggage carousel. Set our watches forward like we're just arriving here from a past we left in a place we knew too well. (Hold on to the corners of today, and we'll fold it up to save until it's needed. Stand still. Let me scrub that brackish line that you got when something rose and then receded. "

hope you enjoy my favorite songs, which to be honest is a horribly broad catagory but there you go.


Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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