The Safe House

Here's part two of how Dom and Kungfukitten met. To read part one go here.

Our safehouse was a small apartment adjacent to Red Square. We had obtained invitations to a fete at the Czar�s palace posing as dignitaries from Romania. Never mind I could barely understand the language, let a lone speak it. Dom assured me, my role was to smile and nod politely. Our host, Nadja was in the kitchen chopping onions and pouring them into a large kettle on the stove.

�It smells good.� I said in Russian to her. She merely nodded and kept to task.

I sat on the sofa and slid on my high heels. I was wearing an ivory silk dress covered one shoulder and had a full knee length skirt (remember this was the eighties and I didn�t get to pick out my own outfit. Whatever was Dom thinking?) I had a silver necklace from which dangled three large bone carved beads. The necklace looked innocuous enough but with a little ingenuity it could be assembled as a stethoscope. I had been chosen primarily for my safecracking skills.

I walked into the hallway and found Dom struggling with his red bow tie. I stifled a smile and walked up behind him. I made sure he saw my reflection in the mirror, it�s never good to sneak up on a trained killer. I put my arms around his chest and reached up to the bow tie, smacking his hands away from the fine silk. I carefully tied the bow for him and tweaked it into place. We made a fine looking couple in the mirror, but would it be enough to convince everyone at the dinner party?

�In your training they never taught you how to tie a bow tie?� I teased.

�I�m much more comfortable around weapons and vehicles,� he said. �speaking of which, they will frisk us when we go in.� He gave me a slow appraising look up and down my body. �At least they will frisk me. You may be able to get these inside for us.�

He held up two five inch knives snug in their nylon holsters. I raised my eyebrows. �And where do you think I can hide these?�

Dom crooked his finger at me and led me into the living room. He tapped the wooden coffee table and I delicately placed my heeled foot on the table. He gestured for me to lift my skirt. I obliged him.

�Higher.� he commanded, then hastily added. �please.�

I lifted my skirt higher and heard Nadja drop a frying pan in the kitchen. I bit my lip to stifle a laugh and lowered my head. His fingers worked quickly and aligned the holster with the top of my stockings.

�Put the hilts to the back of my leg and towards the inside.� I said, trying to keep my voice calm and even. �That way, if I have to pull one, I can do so without drawing attention to myself. Plus they won�t be as likely to frisk me there. But if you put it too close to my inner thighs I�ll have to waddle.� That brought a smile to his face, at least I assumed it was the joke which was making him smile.

When I had a knife holster wrapped tightly around each thigh Dom did a quick visual check then ran his hands down over my skirt.

�Anything?� I asked.

�The folds of the fabric hide it. Nothing a cursory feel would detect, although anything more thorough and we�ll be in trouble.�

�Well then, we�ll just have to make sure no one else gets their hands on me.� I said with more confidence than I felt.

Dom went to the closet and came back with a deep gray sable fur coat. It must be worth thousands of dollars. He wrapped it around me and placed his hands on my shoulders. �They�ll be looking at the coat. When you take it off give a turn so they�ll be focused on your bare skin. They won�t think there�s anything under the dress. You are ready?� he asked.

�Da.� I breathed.

Posted by kungfukitten

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