Day Three - Ausfart!

[Before I transcribe Day 3 from my travelogue, I wanted to mention that 4 people so far have mentioned their regret at missing the deadline for the May Music Guest Entries. I still have my song entry to post and then compile the whole thing, which I'll do right after I get through the vacation entries. So if you would still like to be included, I don't mind posting your entry then. Just send me it as an email to: heydomsar (at) yahoo (dot) com. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you are welcome to read the invitation HERE and join us.]


Innsbruck, Austria
Hotel Tautermann

Today was amazing but I have to tell you about the end of the day. Well, actually, I'll get confused, so I'll just start at the beginning...

The Munich Airport called my cell phone in the middle of the night because they found my jacket. I had forgotten my favorite orange/tan leather jacket under my seat and it was a big deal to try to call the airport and figure out the country codes from an American cell number on a German network, and when I got something, it was just a short message in German and a beep, so I started talking, but it kept beeping, so I thought it had ended, but I left my number anyways and then they called me at 3:30 in the morning. But I still had major jet-lag [and beer stupor] and the woman had an accent, so when she said 'vee have your jacket,' I thought she said, 'vee have your ticket.' So I just said, "oh good. yeah. mm hmm" and then later it clicked and I was so relieved that I fell back asleep before ending the phone call.

We woke up and had breakfast and went to get the car but got lost in the underground parking lots in Munich because we thought the 2 lots under the same block would be connected below, but they were not, so remember your lot.

Then we got to speed on the Autobahn down to the Alps where we ended up taking a few tiny, windy roads off the main streets because we thought they headed in the general direction we wanted, but they ended up circling us all around the Alps and over and under and added a couple hours to our trip but no one complained because the scenery and tiny villages were amazing. Small-town German farmers actually still wear the lederhosen and the pointy green hats with the feather while working. Hilarious!

Driving through the Alps


Alpine fog

Blue Alpine Lake

Alpine lake and tree

So we found our way to Neuschwanstein (New-shvan-stine), which is the castle that the Disney World castle is modeled after. Only this one is built on top of a 1.7 km peak in the Alps. (1 mile high) It is the home of King Ludwig, who may or may not have been the lover of Wagner the composer. There is a whole mysterious story about their mysterious deaths/murders and rumors of insanity and a hostile takeover by Ludwig's family.... it's quite intriguing.

Pictures wont do the castle and its surroundings justice, of course. It's a sight you'll have to promise me that you'll see for yourself.

Neuschwanstein Castle

Crazy King Ludwig's House


Carraige Rides

Sleeping Giant

Imposing Fortress

Quiet Castle

Hiking Kids

View from the castle

View of his parent's castle

High bridge over a low ravine

View from the bridge

Look how far down! It was far.

Zoomed in

Castle contemplation

My sister and Brother in law

Still them.

Cousin and sis

The 'Rentals

Sister and Brother

I'm falling!

Mile High Castle


From the window

Entrace. What, no drawbridge?

Throne room

Pictures were not allowed, so these are a bit shoddy.

Shot taken on the sly

Leaving the kingdom

The bridge we were on

Hiking the mountains

Shadowed Castle


Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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