Day Seven - Prudes and Nudes

May 12, 2006
12:33 am

Florence, Italy
Belfiore Apartment

I have now seen more boobs than any single guy has a right to see.

Unfortunately, they were all paintings and sculptures of boobs. But wow. This Renaissance thing must have been a fun time to be a painter.

I was having a blast touring the Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia and even for me, after the initial shock of being a sheltered American prude and seeing a lot of naked body parts in public... when that wears off... you don't even think about it or realize it anymore. It's (they're) just part of the beautiful painting / sculpture. It's just art.

Though my sister didn't see it that way.

Always the overconservative, she called the Italians "sickos" and scoffed at Michaelangelos's David because you can see his naughty bits.

Now mind you, the Europeans are far from prudes and even go a little too far, selling plenty of aprons, boxers, and postcards featuring ONLY David's genetalia. But there were also plenty of advertisements for museums and so on which included a boob or two, and she labelled them "porn". I don't know how we, as siblings, turned out so different. I love my naked time... and I don't think she has ever been naked.

But it is just another example of how I should have been born a European.

Oh, and here's a friend I made in Florence...

Posted by heydomsar

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