dancing in chitown

More pics from like a week or two ago that I meant to get around to posting.  Is photoblogging the latest thing?

So this first set is from an awesome salsa party that one of my Illinoisean friends threw.  But it was crazy.  The invite itself was amazing and included a waiver / release form required by the fancy country club / spa thing that she had rented for the party.  It was so great seeing a bunch of my old friends from Chicago and wherever else plus making a bunch of new friends.  And the host was really fun.  She had these dance cards that your partners would sign when you asked them to salsa / merengue / bachata / cha-cha / cumbia or whatever.  The guy and girl with the most names on the card at the end each won an mp3 player.  I had a ton of fun dancing but I also had to catch up and chat with a lot of my friends, so I didn't fill up my card as much as some.  I had about 16 names at the end and they had played about 35 songs (Spanish songs go looooong). 

So I didn't get any great dancing shots because I was, of course, busy dancing.  And talking.  But I had to get a shot of this weird Spanish line-dance / bunny-hop thing that the kids are doing these days.  This isn't the best shot of it, though, cause it got crazy.

And then there was this hilarious white guy doing a hilarious James-Brown.  He won an mp3 player for that dance alone.  Again, this shot doesn't do it justice.

And I finally saw my best bud Tirell after over a year!  I missed that big guy.  We were really good friends when I lived there but then I came back to Milwaukee and was kinda down and very poor and I just never visited him or called and I felt like complete scum.  But he understood and doesn't hate me for it.  He is the best.

And I am a big fan of the "Hey!" <click!> style of photography.  I always catch my friends at their worst.  I love it!

Another great Chicago-friend.  I miss you Therese!

And a bunch of my Latina friends.  Married of course :(

Then some last minute munching as it was time to go.  Hey Punkin!  <click!>

So I wish I had more pics of the actual dance party and stuff, but you'll just have to trust me that it was awsum.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
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