It's Fall and I'm Getting Thinky.

I can't wait until Sunday, when we get an extra hour of sleep. That's how it works, right? I'm always confused until the very day we fall back or spring ahead. Although, I never actually get an extra hour of sleep. I just stay up an hour longer than usual. But I can deceive myself into thinking I'm better rested because to my body, it's an hour later that I have to get up. Right?

Today I got a flu shot at work. Usually flu shots give me the flu. We'll see what happens.

Going corn mazing this weekend. "How quaint and midwestern" you're probably thinking, if you're not from here. Or "how lame and dorky" you might be thinking. I actually don't know what you're thinking. But I'm thinking "awesome" because I am from here and corn mazes are awesome. If you don't know, its just someone's farm that mowed a huge labyrinth in their field and we pay to run through it. Yes, it is just that awesome and I know all you non-midwesterners are super jealous. But it's just one of the perks of living here, besides beer and brats. It is also the perfect fall activity. I also can't wait until the first snow. Just thought I'd mention that. I don't have a tangential story about it or anything.

Anyway, it's November. And that's exciting because it means it's NaNoWriMo time. I'm super psyched for all your NaNoWriMoers. Be sure to send me copies or links to your creations. On a related note, it seems a ton of bloggers lately are compiling their best blog entries and publishing. I really don't understand that, because I could just go to their site and read them for free, but whatever... I'm very happy for them and hope for their success. I have a novel spinning in my head lately as well, thanks to Rae, but I couldn't handle the pressure of NaNoWriMo. I mean, I'm sure I could, but I don't want to. For something important, it takes me days and days to critique one of my own sentences to death until it's a piece of absolutely perfect genius. NaNoWriMo doesn't lend well to that, unless you are an absolutely perfect genius to begin with, and I'm not. But maybe if I did it, it'd help me get over that anal, picky quality with my writing and just spit stuff out. Then again, no, I'd just hate it in the end and have to do it over or scrap it.

But yeah, my novel in my head is a crazy mix of sci-fi, philosophy, quantum physics, mystery, thriller, religion, 'death of the universe', and love story. I have most of the first chapter done, an outline and a lot of research. The 2 people who've heard the plot were kind enough to laugh silently to themselves and not spit in my face with their gasps of incredulity for my ridiculous ideas of ridiculousness. Thanks kids! I still, however need a strong male name and a beautiful female name, both of Greek mythological origin. See what I mean about the rediculosity? I also need to pick one of two trains of thought regarding the main characters' relationship, depending on which is more compelling and which I can best write from. A relationship that split for noble reasons and is attempting to recover? Or a new one that is attempting to form by getting over the death of one party's spouse. Either work and both would be couched in the mind/body consciousness/universe connection through quantum physics and religion. As you can see, I'm having a ton of fun with the ideas alone, but I'm sure in practice it will take me 40 years to get this thing finished. But that's fine, I have no intentions of publishing or anything. I just like writing and thinking. Weird, I know.

Happy Weekend!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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