Friday Fluff

I have some more interesting stuff to talk about, but I haven't had the time to put a lot of effort into it, so I'm going to post a silly personality test which means nothing, but it's ok because it's Friday.

This is one of those fun tests you can quiz your friends and then laugh at them for their stupid answers. The idea is that they build the story in their imagination, based on your questions, and each answer means something about them. Play along yourself for now, thinking about how you would answer each question, building the story in your mind.

So you're walking along in a forest. What season is it?

After a while, you come to a wall. What kind of wall is it? (height, material, shape, etc..)

What do you do about it?

Further in the forest, you happen upon a cup. Describe the cup.

What do you do with it (if anything)?

Next you spot a knife. Describe the knife.

What do you do with it (if anything)?

Next you come across a body of water. What type of body of water is it?

What do you do about it?

Finally, the path you seemed to have made for yourself looks like it ends at a cave. What do you think of it?

What do you do about it?

The End.

Did you imagine your story? Do you have an answer for each question? Now keep it in mind. Here's mine:

I'm walking in fall because the weather's still nice and there's so much more colorful things to see.

I came across an ancient wall made of old rocks with large gaps between them. It's not very high and I climb over the wall as it crumbles.

Then I find a small plain teacup on the ground. It's clean and shiny and I bring it with me.

Next I find an old knife on the ground. It is dirty and gross and I leave it there on the ground.

After that I find myself crossing a stream. It looks cool and pure so I use the teacup to take a drink. The water is refreshing and sweet. I hop over the small stream and press on.

My path seems to end at a dark cave, but I like to explore so I wander in as far as the light shines. As it grows darker, I decide it's safer to turn around and leave and wander on to create my own path.

The End.

Now here's what the story means for you.

The journey through the forest represents your life. The way you feel about the season you picked represents the way you feel about life. If it's winter in your story and you love winter, you are enjoying your life.

The wall represents your problems in life. The height, material, and shape is your view of your problems' surmountability. What you do about it is how you face your problems.

The cup means your friends. What you do with it is you feel about them or how you treat them.

The knife is your view of marriage. What you do with it is how you feel about it.

The body of water is your view of sex. Was it a large ocean of opportunity? Was it a dirty puddle? Did you jump in? Did you drink it up? Did you pass it by?

The cave is your view of death. If you went in, you are not afraid of death.

Now tell me your stories in the comments.

Posted by heydomsar

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