A quoi ca sert l'amour

In an attempt to keep another bowling pin in the air while I juggle 10,000 things going on in life and in this blog, I'm going to start another series here! "What?" you say.. "Doesn't Dom already have like 7 on-going series that he hasn't finished up yet?" And you'd be right when you said that. I never claimed to be able to finish anything I start. Yes, I only got through half of my Europe trip on here. I keep meaning to post the Switzerland pix because they are gorgeous. Haven't gotten around to it yet. And then there's that meaningful song guest entry thing I'm supposed to be compiling and posting here. Yeah, that's not started yet. And I have 4 more concerts I've been to recently that I haven't reviewed. As well as pictures from some really cool weekends lately that I want to get up. And I have this video I'm supposed to be editing and youTubing for you because you'll be awed and amazed by it. Then there's some movie/book reviews I wanted to tell you about. And I have some thinky poetry to type out. And some general deepish thoughts to ask you about. And remember when I used to do monthly cd mixes? But why get back to any of that? You like trying to follow 18 different lines of thought, right? You can keep up several simultaneous conversations and chew gum, right? Good.

Here's the first of many posts about the Animation Show that I went to. It was part of the 2 week long Milwaukee Film Festival that shows all these cool indie flicks and important, cultural, cerebral films and whatnot. Very good for stirring your brain and analyzing later at a coffee shop with a friend. I wont be posting the same animations I saw, but here's a few others you might like.

So without further ado... A quoi ca sert l'amour (which means something like "What's the point of love" I think)

Now pour yourself some coffee and tell me what that means to you...

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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