Locking up!

As you may already know, I'm locking down. This my be the last open entry for a while. So to make sure that all my friends that feel like reading can keep doing so, I'm leaving this entry up for a few days before I go underground. The next new entry will prompt you to enter this:


After you use it once, your browser can save it and you don't have to remember it again. If you want, sign up to be notified of each new entry by entering your email in the box on the left. You wont be spammed. But my updates will include the username and password.

I'm not real strict about who can have the password as I have no secrets on this site and I don't plan on revealing any. But I've been advised by people smarter than me about the dangers of keeping an online persona and I trust their advice to be cautious. Feel free to sound off with your opinions about this in the comments.

And if you decide not to write down or remember the username and password I'm handing out here, let me just remind you of the quality posts you'll be missing out on in the future:

Posts about English Cheese-Rolling Competitions

Or for something a little more high-brow:

The Simpsons Intro with live actors

If our journey together ends here, it's been nice having you around. Have a great life! Drop me a line if you change your mind.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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