today was magic

today was magic.
today's magic drifted down in large, heavy, but slumbery flakes.

i love the snow. i love it drifting and swirling on the ground. i love it accumulating in feet. i love it gently stinging my face. i love it whizzing towards the windshield in tunnel-like blizzardry.

i love sledding through it on a leather couch cushion at dangerous speeds. i love snowboarding off of it, soaring through cold air and landing in fluffy powdered piles. i love seeing it clinging to the topside of tree branches and then tapping them and feeling it all fall with a heavy whoomp!

so the snow today left me feeling magical and giddy and climactic.

the magic and giddy qualities of snow were expected. i've loved snow for a long time and if you're a reader or a friend, you probably know that. but the climactical quality today was a surprise to me. but there it was. i realized i've been in such a fantastic mood lately and the snow only gleefully capped it all off. snow-capped, so to speak.

and that was all a surpise because what do i have to be so happy about? a friend just died, you'll remember. my grandpa had that cancer thing? cousin in a coma and now disabled? yeah, great uncle joe passed and his funeral is this saturday. why have i been in such a good mood?

i can't say for sure. i do feel all sorts of guilt. mainly because the friend in the car wreck was such an amazing young girl. she was doing way more in life than i can dream of right now. she was helping and making a difference and had immense meaning. if anyone deserved to live it was her. and yet, i plod along, ticking the clock and accomplishing little.

but despite all that guilt, i have my life and it is such a good life. my problems are insignificant. my blessings are bounteous. and before the snow and this realization, i think i knew it and felt it and expressed it in my mood.

i've always been a happy guy, i think. i can appreciate all the good in my life. and that makes the bad not seem so bad. but lately i've just been peaking, until today's climax. hopefully i can plateau here for a while. you never know, something even more terrible than death could come my way. but i think whatever it may be, i'll be alright.

i don't think the magic of the snow taught me that. maybe assured me of it.

yep, magical assuring snow.

Posted by heydomsar

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