back to school

so go back one entry if you have any interest at all in receiving any bj�rk from me. i posted my list for a friend to pick from who keeps sending me awesome stuff i don't have. so i had winamp spit out my list so that i can offer some bj�rk back if there's any you don't already have.


i interviewed with a company last week and they sent me home with a personality test and if you know me, gentle reader, you know that i absolutely abhor personality tests. i despise the whole concept. especially worthless are the whole INTP, ENFJ, Introvert-Nurturing-TouchyFeely-Halfwit variety of tests. the "Please Understand Me" books. the "if you could be one animal in the jungle, that animal would be a) a lion b) a tiger c) a snake d) a liger" ... i hate these tests and I'm barely sorry if you love them and are now deeply offended. but they are utter nonsense. and even if they were %100 accurate, they do more harm than good. labeling yourself as a certain type is putting yourself in a box and that can never be good.

but enough ranting, because apparently, i scored pretty well. %95 percent, with 2 wrong. how you can get questions wrong on a personality test, i don't know, but there you are.

so besides the incredibly annoying personality questions, the test included a math / pattern recognition, out-of-the-box thinker type of section. and me being incredibly nerdy, had immense fun in this section. since it was a take-home, i can include the questions, in case any fellow nerds want to have a go at it. i don't have the answers because i never saw my test after i faxed it in. but i'll include what i put down in invisible ink under each question. let me know if you found a better answer because 2 of my questions were wrong and they may very well have both been from this section.

here we go (highlight for my answers):

76. Select the next number in the series: 5 10 6 9 7

A. 6
B. 3
C. 8
D. 12

77. Select the group which does not belong:

A. K L M H
B. R S T Q
C. D E F C
D. V W X U

78. Select the next number in the series: 7 11 19 35

A. 38
B. 50
C. 67
D. 73

79. Select the next letter in the series: E H L Q

A. K
B. Z
C. U
D. W

80. Select the next number in the series: 60 30 20 15 12

A. 13
B. 6
C. 10
D. 4

81. Select the next number in the series: 298 209 129 58 -4

A. -13
B. -93
C. -66
D. -57

82. Select the next letter in the sequence: A F Z U G L T

A. O
B. C
C. X
D. N

83. Select the next letter in the sequence: C A R R

A. S
B. X
C. I
D. Y

84. Select the next number in the series: 16 26 21 31

A. 18
B. 26
C. 33
D. 19

85. Select which group does not belong:

A. B M S K
B. V S P M
C. G S M P
D. K P M S

86. Select the choice that best completes the relationship:
23 : 3,983 as 32 :

A. 3,839
B. 3,994
C. 4,874
D. 9,599

87. Select the choice that best completes the series:

A. e
B. eeDD
C. E
D. eee

have any nerdy fun? good.

oh, btw. i got the job. big salary hike and lots of other perks. i start jan. 3rd and i'm overjoyed. i've been looking to get hired on with a company for a year and a half and just freelancing on my own in the meantime. now i get some benefits and a steady cashflow! i wonder what that will be like.

well, have a drink on me! we deserve it.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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