Reconsidering a thing or two

With each day that passes in this new year, I'm finding myself rethinking some of the choices I've made, at least as far as music goes.

It's important to stay current, and I love all the choices I made on my 1007 Favorites list, but something has got me thinking about things I may have overlooked. Call it nostalgia.

Before I continue, I'll ask you to keep an open mind and consider that it takes many facets for a gem to sparkle in the light. Thank you.

Bands I May Have Unfairly Overlooked and/or Judged in the Past

1. Ratt -- Something about their big hit �Round and Round� never really sat right with me. I have never been into hair metal or spandex, except for that one summer, and Ratt just seemed to me like so many other noisy posturing guitar bands. Boring. Until one day I heard these lyrics coming from a car next to me at an intersection: You won't confuse me with somebody else/Look in your mirror, you're too good for yourself. I didn�t know who it was, but I went home and Googled those words. Come to find out: It was Ratt. A powerful song called �The Morning After,� from their �Out of the Cellar� CD. I have listened to it every day since. Sometimes things come at you out of the blue, and you just have to listen. Hello, Ratt: nice to meet you.

2. Sigue Sigue Sputnik -- Style over substance? Sure, that was the joke. But look behind the flash of �Love Missile F1-11� and see if you don�t find yourself. Or at least, something you didn�t know was missing.

3. Paul B. Davis -- If you don�t know this name, look here and discover the man behind the magic of �Cool Night� and the most beautiful of all his compositions, �I Go Crazy.� With a sophisticated chord progression and sensitivity rivaling Nick Drake�s �Northern Sky,� Paul B. Davis makes it all right to long for somebody, even if it�s only for a while.

4. Wishbone Ash -- �Astonishing.� That is the only word for this. With twin lead guitars and soaring melodies, Wishbone Ash�s �Argus� is a searing soundtrack of the future, with its heart firmly in the past. Check out �Throw Down Your Sword� and tell me you�re not convinced that without this song, Radiohead�s In Rainbows would not exist.

5. Kim Carnes -- Her soul absolutely shines through that whiskey voice. She may be most famous for that novelty hit, �Bette Davis Eyes,� but duets are her forte, and there is none more stunning than �Make No Mistake, He�s Mine,� which she recorded with one Barbra Streisand. Give it a listen. It will melt your heart.

Those are my reconsiderations so far. It�s early in the year, and I expect to reconsider many, many things before 2009 rolls around. (For example, I plan to reconsider the people I give posting privileges for my diary to.) It just looks like that�s how things are shaping up.

And what about you? What do you plan to reconsider?

Posted by sparkspark
February 04, 2008

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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