We Are Each Others Destiny

Concert Review

Turner Hall, Milwaukee
Wednesday, Feb 27, 2008

or ... We Are Each Others' Destiny?

It was dark and the heater was keeping us from leaving the confined space of her warm car. We hadn't said much during the car ride home... so much had finally been said that day already. Nothing more needed to be spoken with words. As we lay back comfortably in the front seat, her eyes told me her wild spirit had found brief contentment. There was a symbol wrapped around her heart and her finger that represented my love for her in that moment. And that moment was all that mattered.

She pressed play on the car stereo and smiled warmly in my arms as a song floated from the speakers that would soon become one of those monumental pieces of you that can never be extricated. That moment etched itself into me indelibly for what seemed like hours. The sounds were smooth and sexy, slowly enveloping me in the softest touch and warmest kisses. From that album and that long moment, emerged the song that defined us. It was an Our Song that was born in unspoken promises and finally in understanding. It would be our wedding song if that would be our fate. The song was Destiny, by Zero 7.

Some three or four years later now, long after most of my memories of her have faded to fuzzy, emotionless pieces of data, I watched Sia from Zero 7 perform that song live in a dark crowd in front of neon lighting and I was struck by that nearly forgotten moment in the car once again. But I was struck more specifically by the lack of impact.

That relationship was by far the most serious of my life. Those memories were full of all sorts of 'firsts' and 'bests' for me. That moment was unforgettable. And that song encapsulated all of this. But still, I was left unexpectedly unmoved.

I was worried there would be regret. Possibly anger. Surely longing and desire would catch my breath inside my chest. There had to be disappointment. Hope. Love.

But strangely, there was none of these.

And it wasn't for lack of emotion from Sia. If you ever thought her voice was powerful on her albums, her live show will fully amaze you as much as it did me. Her vibrant voice explodes on stage, lighting up the darkness and at times, pushing you beyond the very room she inhabits. There is no want for emotion or lack of moving overtones in her powerful expression.

No, the lack was in me. I no longer felt the same connection to my past. Our Song is now just a song. The memories no longer pin me to that moment with any emotion. It was a very strange realization to have in that crowd of bright faces.

I realized I have fully let go.

Zero 7 featuring Sia - Destiny

Zero 7 featuring Sia - Distractions

Sia - Buttons

This is just how she started the show for us!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

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