survey time

I got this link from Clarity to a fun little survey:

Heelandlass's Survey

I copied my answers below for you're amusement. Feel free to go fill it out on her site and/or send me your answers. Or link to it. Or blog it. But I'm curious about you.

1. What's going on outside your window right.....NOW?
Great timing... a storm has just started roaring... we've got thunder and lightning flashes and intermittent downpour.

2. What's the last book you read?
Just finished Catcher in the Rye again and moved on to Nine Stories, both by JD Salinger.

3. What did you think about it?
I love the way Salinger's characters interact with children. It's just the way I handle them. I throw out some amusing and ridiculous statement with a straight face and wait for their reaction. "You're five? So are you in high-school now?... Your cat's name is Sam? I had a unicorn named Sam but he flew away." Am I messing with their heads? Maybe, but the smart ones will laugh and be your best friend.

4. I�m going on holiday in 4 weeks and I am desperate for good books to take with me. Books I have enjoyed this year: The Poisonwood Bible, Vernon God Little, The Secret Life of Bees. Can you recommend a book that I should take on holiday? Nothing too heavy please. Tell me why I would like it too (if you can be arsed).
How To Be Good- Nick Hornby. Lighter read on a deep subject by an excellent author.

5. Have a look round the room you�re in now. Of all the things you see, what�s your favourite thing? (Thing, not person)
My black, acoustic, Ibanez, bass guitar. Great for strumming around when feeling down or grooving around a campfire sing-along.

6. What needs tidied up most? When are you going to do it?
I have this whole bag of papers and bills and urgent stuff that I've been collecting for months. Someday, when I'm arrested for nonpayment, I'll decide when I'm going to tidy that up.

7. What do you have planned for today?
Sleep. It's 3am now and I just got home from 11 hours of work on a Saturday, but I couldn't help checking my buddylist diaries and following the link here from Clarity.

8. If you were my real life friend, what would you buy me for my birthday?
If I knew you, I'd give you something on a random day because I don't believe in gifts out of obligation. But I might make you a mix cd with artsy liner notes that describe the way in which each song reminds me of you.

9. What�s the best birthday present you�ve ever bought anyone?
Not for a birthday, but I got a buddy concert tickets to the show that represents our friendship.

10. Did they like it?
I'm sure of it.

11. If you could only see 1 of the following ever again, what/who would you pick (and you have to pick one from each category): film, painting, friend, ex-lover, landscape, city, friendly face
Film: The Before Sunrise/Before Sunset double feature.
Paint: Any Dali or Escher.
Friend: My mom.
Ex: Simone
Landscape: The cliff over the ocean in Costa Rica at sunset when a storm was rolling in.
City: San Fran
Face: Peewee, my beagle.

12. Say your best mate on the planet has been kidnapped. His/Her kidnappers get him/her to ring you and arrange terms for release. You need to establish if it really is your best friend and not some phoney, so you have to ask a question that only s/he will know the answer to. What is that question?
What song was playing the only time I've ever cried and said 'I love you, man.'?

13. And what is the answer (you can tell me, I�m not in the mood to kidnap anyone)?
Coldplay "We Never Change"

14. If you could have anything at all to eat right now, what would you have?
Anything from a little mom n' pop deli in France, Spain, or Italy because it would mean I was in one of those places.Anything from a little mom n' pop deli in France, Spain, or Italy because it would mean I was in one of those places.

15. Describe the best photo you�ve ever seen of yourself (and you�re not allowed to say you hate all photos of yourself. I know for a fact that there must be at least ONE that you don�t hate).
There's one where you can't really make me out but it's of the time my band won the battle of the bands.

16. What is it about that one that you like?
That may have been the best night of my life.. and it has the added advantage of my face not being visible.

17. What was the best holiday you�ve ever been on?
A ski trip to Montana with 3 carloads of my closest friends.

18. Why?
I love snowboarding and snow and mountains and my friends.

19. Describe the pants/underpants/knickers/unmentionables you would put on if you were going out on the pull.
I'm a guy so pretty much whatever's in the drawer. They're all boxers. I might go commando if I feel like it. But you know what's sexiest on women? Not the thongs, but the kind that are lacy and longer and come down halfway on the butt, leaving the bottom of the cheeks out. Nice.

20. Red wine or white wine?
Neither. Martini?

21. Talk me through the best thing/most reliable thing you cook, come on � you know there�s at least one thing.
1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Triplesec, 1 part Vodka. - Kamikaze!

22. Finally, what�s the worst thing anybody has ever said to you at the point of orgasm?
"Was that it?" would be pretty bad, not that I've ever heard that.

23. Okay - finally, finally, what's your diaryland user name? (if you're not on diaryland, who are you and how can I find out more about you?)

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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