handling Dom's request with care


Would you look at this, I am posting this guest entry on the last possible day, which is pretty appropriate considering my tendency for procrastination!

okay. Not the best way to introduce myself. In an ideal world I would wow you all with my witty banter, but let's be honest, I�m just a simple girl from alure's world (email [email protected] for user and password).

this is my very first guest entry, and I�m very excited about it! Which may explain my erratic ramblings, so just bear with me.

I have given a lot of thought to Dom�s question, and I�ve had a lot of trouble coming up with just one song that means the most to me.

there is the obvious is this love by Bob Marley which is the song I associate with falling in love with my partner. But it's not the song that automatically means the most to me.

another choice is Girls just Wanna have Fun by Cyndi Lauper. My sister and I would dance for hours to this song. We made up our own dance, we had our own parts, and we would just laugh and laugh and laugh to this song. This memory is pretty important to me because my sister and I don�t get along much these days. but again, it doesn�t necessarily mean the most to me.

after doing more serious thinking (which may or may not have been done over a bottle of wine) I think I�ve picked the song that I associate with one of my best memories. Handle with Care by the Traveling Wilburys is a song that makes me smile and feel safe whenever I hear it.

My father is one of my most favourite people in the world. He makes me feel protected, and loved, and important. When I was young, he would crank the volume on the old sound system, put this CD on, pick me up and dance and sing it to me. It became a ritual for us to crank his music really loud, laugh when my mum would pretend-scold us for being too noisy, and sit back to enjoy his music. And to this day, we still have the same taste in music. We can still just sit back and listen to CDs and I return to that little-girl feeling of total security and happiness.

And who doesn�t want to feel like a safe little girl every once in a while?

Posted by alure

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