DandDTeacher in the h-izz-ouse!

Trust me to wait until almost 5:00pm on Friday to do an assignment I've known about all week. What can I say? I'm a master procrastinator.

For those who are wondering, I'm Rachel, Ms. D&D if you're nasty. Yes, my journal is now locked (I was tired of worrying about students or, worse, their parents stumbling across it) but if you'll simply leave me a note or drop me a line ([email protected]) I'll gladly hook you up with the password.

The egocentric side of me read Dom's assignment and thought, "He must've had me in mind when he planned this for us." You see, I recently wrote that my New Year's resolution was to learn to like myself more. Trust Dom to make me start working on it right away. I thought about joking around and telling you all that I like my apple ear, my glowing pale skin, or that fact that, should there ever be a power outtage during a blizzard (not very likely in NC) I've got enough "personal insulation" (read "fat") to keep me warm for quite a while. But that really wouldn't be doing the assignment, would it? As a teacher I know that's not acceptable.

So here goes - I'd have to say the one thing I really like about myself is what I shall refer to as *drum roll please* my "with-it-ness". I know that I tend to be a bit of a drama queen (don't laugh, Scott), but when there's a true crisis I'm in my best form. I become extremely calm, logical and, well, with-it. I can quickly assess the situation and come up with a great plan of action.

Other people in my life know this about me, too. You'd be amazed at how many times I'm consulted when things go wrong. I'm even part of the school's crisis team. And you have no idea how many times a week my principal calls me up to her office to get my perspective on something with which I have nothing to do. Building's on fire? Get Rachel. Car breaks down in the carpool line and blocks both lanes of traffic? Rachel will know what to do. Child passes out in the hallway? Rachel will know who he is and how to treat him. We're lost in the middle of nowhere? Give Rachel the map and she'll get us home.

Seriously,in a crisis I'm your girl!

Posted by danddteacher
Friday, Jan. 12, 2007

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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