Smed Says Hi To Dom's World

Hello, all ye faithful readers of Dom. It is I Smed of the 'in'famous Smed's Corner. Normally, I prattle on about tunes, or inanity of life and family, and things like that.

But today...whew...

Yeah, I'm having some angst in my pants right now, but I have a date with the wife tonight (woot!) and that always helps.

But I also need to be good because I am normally (hah) very happy and content and I have a lot of friends and a few close ones.

In fact, in times like I've just experienced, friends are your rocks. So is family. I've made mistakes, sure, but some people will have your back and forgive you tresspasses and not wad you up in the garbage.

And I've got those people, in spades.

So I'm glad I have my friends. They're the best in the world, and that's what makes ME special - it's all them! Woot!

Posted by smedindy
January 12, 2007

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