Acorn's entry

Hello, it's Acorn.

Dom's given the assignment that I have to tell you one thing that I honestly like about myself all of the time.

This has proven to be extremely difficult for me!

I've been thinking about this for a week, y'all. I can think of a TON of things I like AND love about myself, but then there's always that small part of me that doesn't like it at some point.

So here's what I came up with:

I like how I love animals and nature. When I'm around animals and nature, I feel peaceful and happy, always. I have an uncanny connection with animals. For instance, I'll go over to someone's house and they have a cat, and they're all Our cat is afraid of everyone and won't let strangers pet them. And then later on, I'll have the cat in my lap purring. That's just one example.

Then there's the goat story:

I'm at this petting zoo a few years with family and I'm about 50 feet away from the goat pen. All of a sudden, all of the goats turned towards me in one big group and starting "baa"ing at me - it was insane! I got closer and started circling the pen and they all followed me, in a group, around the perimeter of the pen! I'm so seriously. I have witnesses.


I'm trying to think of my favorite animal and I think it probably is the duckbill platypus. I've never seen one personally, but I think they are the most fascinating animal on the planet. The males have poisoned barbs on their back legs. The famales lay eggs. They have bills that can detect small electrical currents which help them find food in the mud. They are warm blooded and have a tail like a beaver. Wow.

And llamas are pretty cool.

Posted by acornotravez

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