As a matter of fact, I'm tryin to cut back.

I was at IHOP Tuesday after a concert when the group started recalling how exciting the show was, as you do... but they started relating how this was their second concert ever, their first, their third, in one case... their fourth.

I reluctantly spit out that this was my fourth concert... in the last 3 weeks alone.

Houston, we have a problem.

I think the total hours I'm at some kind of musical concert each month surpasses the hours I watch tv. Looking back on my concert watch website: I see that I average at least 3 concerts per month. Sometimes one. Sometimes 6 or more. And that's just the big touring concerts. I live above the Ale House which has local bands several nights a week. Plus my dad's band's shows. Plus my own band's practices and shows. Is this crazy?

There's just a ton of great music out there! And it's so much better live. Maybe being in a band and being a DJ and being an obsessive-compulsive music downloader has corrupted me. But if it doesn't involve music, is it really worth doing? I tend to think 'no'.

I wish I had time to give you reviews of all the shows I've attended. But the next one seems to arrive before I've processed the last one. In the last three weeks, there was Midlake with Dawn Landes, Rilo Kiley with Grand Ole Party, Ani DiFranco with Melissa Ferrick, Andrew Bird, a local band called something something Beaver Pond, and Maroon 5 with The Hives. Tonight is Of Montreal. This weekend I'm skipping one because I'll be camping, but Monday is Regina Spektor. And I just bought tickets to Feist not half an hour ago.

That's when I realized I may have some sort of unhealthy addiction.

But how can something that feels so right, be wrong? :) Seriously, Midlake was phenomenal. The harmonies were so gorgeous, which is really hard to pull off in a live show. Check out my write-up of the band here. Rilo Kiley was cool because of Jenny Lewis and the awesome song choices, but I think I liked her better solo when I saw her here. Ani was tons of fun... just like last time, except her opener this time, Melissa Ferrick, was really cool and hilarious and at one point, mimed squirting us with her mammaries for some reason. Andrew Bird was mind blowing as usual, but I've harped on that plenty already. The local band was mediocre. And Maroon 5 was surprisingly interesting as well, for a top 40 pop show. Adam Levine seems really cool in small doses. The girls seemed to fawn over him. But the highlight of the night for me was when our group decided I look a lot like him.


Initially I thought 'no way'.

But this skinny one is totally me in college.

Ok, I look nothing like this one, but I liked how he is surrounded by drooling girls.

Can I pass for him and sneak into a crowd of drooling girls too?

So what celebrity are you told you resemble?

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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