Time flies.

For the last week or so, the place where I collect my paycheck has had a problem. My office and a few others around me have been fighting a growing war against a disgusting swarm of fruit flies. We've become quite the Mr. Myogis at swatting and slapping these nuisances. I bet we could get all zen and catch them with chop sticks even. But after a week or so, it's getting old. All my co-workers are getting annoyed.

Yesterday, after the weekend, it was especially bad. As I was walking around my office, swatting, I saw a group of 4 or 5 of them on one of my cabinets. I slammed my notebook down and they scattered, but suddenly, I saw 4 or 5 more. Starting to freak out, I opened up the cabinet and was instantly met with a thunderous stormcloud of tiny flying devils. The skies darkened. It became hard to breath. The infestation was surely seeping into my hair and under my clothes. But panic really only struck me when I realized this cabinet was were I had stashed a bag of grapes about 3 or 4 weeks ago.

The germ-carrying, stress-inducing, week-long office infestation of tiny flying rats has been ALL.MY.FAULT.

I really meant to put the grapes away until the afternoon and then have them for a snack. But that was weeks ago.

I immediately disposed of everything in the entire cabinet, sealed the layers of garbage bags, and ran it outside. But the cabinet still smells of putrid, rotting fruit. I've kept the cabinet shut, trapping the hordes inside, to die a slow, painful starvation in darkness. But I think fruit flies live less than 24 hours anyway.

Today has seen a marked improvement in sheer numbers of disgusting insect guts I've had to wipe off my swatting hand. So I'm sure the problem will resolve itself in the next day or two. Let's not tell anyone here that they can blame the whole thing on me. Ok?

Posted by heydomsar

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