Brunet Island, WI 2005 (Part 1)

Everyone needs a break from the real world now and then. I can't think of a better way to take one. Here's some shots of a recent 4-day camping trip. The pics labeled (JR) are from Joshua as well as his commentary. If anyone else from the trip has pictures they'd like me to post here, just send them to me and I'll give you credit.


The faithful navigator never fails to keep us on the right path.� Mostly.

Are you still awake, Randy?

You've finished your burger, stop! Those are your fingers!

I must have just told the funniest joke evah.

Randy skillfully wields the proper tent pitching tools in pitch blackness.

Take another picture.� The flash will help us see what we're doing.

Tada! Oh wait. The door no longer zips shut. Sorry guys! But the raccoons need a cuddle too, hope you don't mind.

And the girls tent goes up without a hitch under Papa D's skillful direction.

And now we deserve a break after all that work.� Hungry Talia?

Maybe we need a close-up of that.

Asleep in 2 minutes, snoring in 5.

I have no idea what Matt's offering her, but it must be pretty funny.

Smiles this big all weekend.

Lisa, cracking us up.

Yes, that is a marshmallow on top of her head.� The angry little bear never knew it was there.

Mmm, that was the best tiny little Corona evah.

Continue on to Part 2

Posted by heydomsar

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