Brunet Island, WI 2005 (Part 2)

Go Back to Part 1

And here's the next day...

Compliments to the chef.

Pancake (JR)

Yummy pancakes (JR)

Apple pancakes, mid-bite.


The "stop trying to get me with my mouth full" look.

Heather T, mid-chew, with no eyes.

Still no eyes.� Too busy reveling in the orgasmic flavors of Josh's Apple Pancakes.

Cooking in the morning (JR)

Josh Cooking (Susie & Reid) (JR)

It's Bacon!

Momma and Papa D consult.

Time to hit the river.� Matt and Heather T are ready to go!� C'mon people!

Now that's some skillful oaring by two skilled oarsmen.

Heather B. boards her yacht.

Heather B. & Lisa in a canoe (JR)

Matt and Heather T. in a canoe (JR)

Talia, Randy & Dom in a canoe (JR)

Oops, we took a wrong turn under a bridge and need to back up.

She must practice the Limbo at home.

We'll find our way, no problem.

Watch your heads.� Low clearance.

Aye Aye Captain!

Fender Bender (JR)

After a few angry splashes, they exchange insurance information and part ways.

It's called nature, Talia (JR)

Rachel & Heather T. doing product placement (JR)

What is Matt pointing at?� Oh.

I think that one's empty.� Don't eat the bottle.� There's more in the cooler.

What did I get myself into?

'Puff the Magic Dragon'... Sing Along Everybody! (JR)

What chord are we on?

Momma D looking angelic.

That is some awful singing.

Still smiling!

I was having a great time.� I don't know what's with my scowl.� Indigestion?

Play that funky music white boy.

Breaks over, and we're back on the river.� Heather T. holds on while Rachel and Josh paddle for both canoes.

Fall Colors 1 (JR)

This was more fuchsia or bright magenta, but it's hard to tell.

Reflections of Nature 1 (JR)

Reflections of Nature 2 (JR)

Looks like Mom and Dad and their little child.

More leaves.

Time to pull ashore and explore.

Up a tree that was hanging over the water.

Now how do I get down?

Randy, in a tree, across the river.

Colors across a pond of glass.

A ripple in time.

Heather T. always looking cool.

Lula looking proud as a peacock.

Hello Rachel!

I'm not slapping her.� Just waving hello to the camera.� Really.

A balancing act over water.

Don't tickle me or I will fall face-first into this pond.

Friends Forever.

Matt, Talia, Dom, Rachel, & Lisa (JR)

We could stay here all day.

The wood was so crunchy and soft.� Like popping bubble wrap.

This tree was decomposing and deteriorating so fast I couldn't even climb it.

Fall Colors 5 (JR)

Heather B., Heather. T, & Joshua

Sunlight 1 (JR)

Heather T and Dom (JR)

Comfy Talia?

The grass was like angel hair pasta.� Or at least that's what the Dutch say.

Some amazing feats of athleticism.

Judges?� 9.0!

Looking back on our youth.

Really, The Swings should be an Olympic sport.

Such talent.

Would have brought home the gold, if the sport ever gets officially recognized.

What are you looking at Matt?

A rousing rendition of Kumbaya My Lord, Kumbaya.

Lisa & Rachel Sing There Song Entitled, 'People Stare (I Forgot Pants Again)' (JR)

The midnight hikers stop to count stars.� Though we couldn't come up with a single constellation.

Randy, Heather B., Rachel, Dom, Talia, Matt (from left) (JR)

Some very cerebral conversations as we contemplate our collective navels.

I finally got some good cuddle time.

Admit it!� That's the best cuddle you ever had!

The more the merrier.

Don't be embarrassed.� You like to cuddle too.

Until the flash flashed, I couldn't see a thing.

Little bit of rubbing in the dark never hurt anyone.

Continue on to Part 3

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

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