Oh Canadia

I keep not updating because I feel like I should fill you in on my fabulous trip to Canada with amazing shots of the beautiful countryside and what fun and interesting things I did and what I learned... but that's just not going to happen. Canada is not all that fabulous. In fact, the middle of Canada is fabulous in the exact way that Iowa is fabulous -- in that it isn't at all.

I have pictures from my trip, but I barely feel like linking you to my flickr set because they are just pictures of the West Edmonton Mall. Which I could say is amazing because it's huge and has a water park with waterslides and an ice rink and roller coasters and pink flamingos and a Chinatown and seal kisses and pirate ships... but all this, while true, is really just an attempt to hide the fact that it's a mall. Malls just don't really do it for me, and I didn't actually go in any stores.

The weather was much the same as the Midwest there. I was expecting the need for snowshoes and dog sleds and igloos, but we rented a car and my Skechers did just fine. No igloos in sight.

So if you want to read a thrilling account of my exciting adventures in fabulous foreign lands, read the Kitten's recount of how we first met. I can neither confirm nor deny the historical authenticity of the information she revealed. But I can tell you this, America is no longer involved in a Cold War with Russia, are we? Take from that what you will.

To join the fray of ethical debate and emotivism and the meaning of the word "like", check out Beck's insightful guest entry.

And for a good laugh at the hilarious misadventures of Blue Meany's favorite adolescent moment, check out her guest entry here.

And as for the rest of you lazy bloggers that I invited to guest post here, you've had 2 weeks and time's up! Next time you had better get your act together and come up with something to post or I'll just have to stop letting guests post here and then you'll just be stuck with me ... and really, no one wants that.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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