Day One ...Still


London, UK Heathrow Airport
Munich, Germany Some German Airport

We made our connecting flight but just barely. The delay in Chicago put our flight almost 2 hours behind, so my group of 4 was ushered onto a "special bus" so that we could skip some of the connection process. But they still told us to run at the end of the little adventure, which was quite a sight as some of us are a bit out of shape.

Boarding the flight to Munich, we got a few looks of disdain for holding up the punctual Germans and the uptight Brits, but fortunately, us loud Americans are also friendly and jovial Americans who make friends easily - even with our fellow flightmates.

This is my company's parent company, which is based in Germany and has our logo everywhere.

When we exited the plane in Germany, we all walked out of the little tube that connects the plane to the airport and we all collected in this little glass box. From this little room could see through the glass that another hallway leads up to the airport gate but the glass doors were closed and locked. Pretty soon the passengers from the whole plane had filed into this tiny room where we were all trapped. And so my first experience in Germany was being led to the gas chamber.

At least that's what I called it. Eventually we found a phone and dialed '0' and got someone to let us in the airport.

Nazi German Airport Gas Chamber

[Yes, I know I'm being a picture tease. The good ones are coming.]

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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