Day One - Europe or Bust!


Chicago, IL - USA
O'Hare Airport

Of course nothing can go smoothly when I take a trip. But that's what makes it an adventure. I'm thinking the smooth and easy life would be boring, but I don't think I'll ever get to try and see for myself.

Today is the start of my little European tour and I'm hyped because I've waited my whole life to do this. I've always thought of myself as fitting in well with the Mediterranean lifestyle and I finally get to see if I'm right. If I feel like I'm home. But it's just a vacation and maybe you can't really get the true flavor that way.

We'll see.

I feel so priveledged to be able to take a vacation like this -- a vacation at all -- I know many people don't get that opportunity. So I plan to appreciate the heck out of it.

But I also expect some major diasaster. That's just how it goes. A hospitalization. A missed flight. A rental car that blows up. These things and more have happened whenever I travel.

But I'm still grateful. They make amazing stories to tell and memories to keep me going until the next time.

This time, so far, nothing major, but I'm traveleing with my family and it has been non-stop stress. My parents usually get along reasonably well, but today, trying to frantically pack and clean and get out of the house on time (we are very last-minute people) has stirred up some pretty viscious fights and name-calling.

And all for nothing, since we made it here to airline gate M11 of British Airways with plenty of time and found the pane is delayed and 45 minutes so far.

Just enough time for a Tanquaray and Tonic...

Which one is Munich?

The exchange rate is what?

All I need.

Got my music, I'm set.

Huh. The in-flight is Cassanova... and it's set in Venice!!

Dad watchin movies. For 10 hours.

Sue likes this movie.

GPS maps in the seats.

How long is this flight?
Look how tired we are by the end!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

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