Pan-Dimensional Perspective.

Yesterday's post about putting the whole universe in perspective sparked a little discussion that I found interesting...

The site's pretty awesome, though I believe the photon a single "packet" of light, not the proton is the smallest thing that can be detected by modern instruments. The string theory is pretty elegant considering the considerable challenges in backing it up scientifically. I do like the possibility that micro-universe can at least be partially fathomed though. Here's something that will blow your mind, you know how most things we perceive as solid matter is actually like 99.9999% empty space and bosons, the elementary sub-subatomic particles that seemingly pop in and out of our dimension through that "empty space" and make up the sub atomic particles that make up matter. Well there's a few theories that that the empty space is not actually empty but something else, like what most people would believe as god. Crazy huh?

Just to clarify, I think they said the proton is the smallest thing that can be measured, but there are smaller things that can be detected.

Thanks for the clarification Rae. You are right, I don't think there is actually a way to measure a photon in terms of length. It's weird because the naked eye adapted to the dark can detect a single photon. Oh well... =p

Yeah, we can't tell the shape and size of an electron, or even its speed & location (we can either tell its speed OR location, but not both, because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle), so I think that's what they meant. We can detect them, but not measure size, so they can't be represented on this scale.

Anyway, crazy thoughts about empty space and string theory. Leads me off on crazy thought trails... Like if there's objects so small that the concept of size as we know it no longer applies, are they then at the same time very large? Are they something other than matter as we know it? Do they have shape but not size? Are they still 3-dimensional?

And I don't imagine God as something material in the empty spaces between particles. I don't think he fits here physically at all. I mean, when imagining God, what size is he to you? Is he a big face in the clouds? Then he's bigger than us, but smaller than a planet? Is he a big face above the solar system? Then he's bigger than a solar system but smaller than a galaxy?

No. These are silly questions.

Just like making him very small, in between electrons, or very expansive, as in part of every piece of everything... he doesn't scale. It's a different perspective than that.

But in a concept that I can fathom, I take a look at a piece of paper and draw a stick figure. That's a 2-dimensional plane. An entire realm for that stick man. He can't comprehend a realm outside of his own, but he could comprehend something in a smaller dimension... a dot on his 'paper' which only showed an x or y dimension.

Similarly, I can't comprehend 5 or 10 dimensions, but something in those dimensions can watch me drawn in my little 3 dimensional 'paper'. My whole realm or dimension fits there in a space that he can observe and relate to.. but I can't detect anything like that above me.

And that pan-dimensional being can see dimensions below his, like the 4th dimension, which theoretically describes TIME itself. So it's fairly easy to imagine that that being is outside of the concept of time as we know it, and can therefore see all moments in time for us 3rd dimensional beings. And that explains and confirms a lot of supernatural abilities to me; like prophecy, creative acts, and even free will.

But that's just me.


Oh, and if that was too much for anyone, than take a look at this picture of Einstein.

Now take a step or two back and watch as it turns in to Marilyn Monroe.

Cool, huh?!

Posted by heydomsar

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