My Refugee Boys

Denis and Benjamin are quite possibly the coolest kids ever born. Yes, I mean cooler than your little booger-eaters. They are like my favorite midgets to be around ever. They were born in Bosnia but emigrated when things got too life-threatening. So I call them my refugee boys.


We like to go to the movies where we get jumbo popcorn buckets and sodas and sour patch kids and licorice ropes and chocolate mints. After the movies, we tend to feel nauseous.


But Friday they told me about Firestone Pizza. Which just may be the coolest place in the world. It's like Chuck E. Cheese on crack.


They have all you can eat pizza and dinner and dessert buffets with dining rooms playing cartoons. And then they have bumper cars and rock climbing and video games and basket ball and rides and jungle gyms and ball shooting ranges and bowling and prizes and all sorts of cool stuff for ten year olds. And me.


And you just get these cards to swipe and you can do whatever you want. No coins or tokens or tickets.


"No problem!" Ben thinks he can get to the top of the rock wall.




But when he falls, he's all smiles.


These kids are the best basketball players in the place. I didn't try because they would totally whip me and I would cry in embarrassment.


Look at those eyes. All that wonder and excitement. Remember that feeling?



Posted by heydomsar

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