dom's back!

wow. what an amazing way to settle back into things after a trip. i've loved reading and commenting on each of your heartfelt thoughts and memories. thank you, all... you make me jealous of your writing talent -- but thanks for slumming in my diary and raising the class around here for a bit.

i'll be compiling the songs for the mix and yes, adding my own song too. but meanwhile, i'm going to be sharing some of my recent trip with you. Adman gave me a cool travel journal and i wrote in it almost everyday. so i'll be sharing that, as well as some of the 1,000 pictures that i took overseas.

tomorrow, tho, i'll be at the Imogen Heap concert and then packing the next day since i'm moving downtown this weekend, so these travelog entries might be a bit sporadic at first, but bear with me. i feel like i have so much to tell you!!

anway, i can't believe how great life is and how fortunate i am to know you all. thanks again to everyone who shared a part of yourself with us. glad to be back and catch up with all of you!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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