Time for a new summer love... or at least a new music crush.

Guys! Things are getting so great, if I were any less of an optimist, I'd be expecting some horrible disaster to happen here just to even things out. But i'm not, so I don't.

Summer has arrived and it is good. Did some wakeboarding last weekend and was generally much lamer than usual on the board, but I didn't care at all because ... who cares! We're having fun! Other general exclamations of frivolity!

Rehearsals for this drama/play thing I'm in are getting fun. Tried on my beard and had a laugh. I should totally grow a big long beard. What do you think?

And I moved this weekend. Which usually isn't going to add to the yay! happy-fun-time mood I'm talking about here... except that it totally does. It was really a yay-happy-fun-time kind of move. Probably because it was only 2 floors down. The new apartment is great and I think I actually like it even better. For now at least. Maybe the newness will wear off and it wont be so exciting, but I don't think so. Plus for 2 weeks, I have 2 apartments in this building... which is really rad. Yes, "rad". Deal with it.

And there also was quite a bit of girl-time this weekend. No, not me in a bubble bath, playing Kenny G. But time spent with realy cool and interesting girls. Although I'm having a blast, you know what would be even better? If girls weren't so hard to read! I can't figure you out. Would you all please just write down on a piece of paper what you are thinking and pass the note to me in study hall? Are you annoyed? Are we "friends"? Are you being coy? Are you playing hard-to-get? What is going on here? Can you try easy-to-get for once? That might be fun. Or we could come up with a signal. Some system of blinking and winking to let me know that you're interested. Sound good?

Anyway, since I don't have an actual serious girl thing going on lately, I've decided to go with a new music crush. And the winner is... Leslie Feist!

Guys, she's adorable. She's got that dorky cute thing that I just love. Plus her voice is all buttery and her music is a peppery vanilla pudding cup on a swingset at the beach. You know?

I've been into her for a few years, but lately I've just been on this wild Feist kick. Can't get enough. With the summer and the happy-fun-times and the general dorkiness of life, it's been all about Feist here. Check her out!


This song is maybe her best-known. I love how it's so simple and yet perfect..

Helping the kids out of their coats
Oh wait the babies haven't been born oh
Unpacking the bags and setting up
And planting lilacs and buttercups oh

But in the meantime we've got it hard
Second floor living without a yard
It may be years until the day
My dreams will match up with my pay

Old dirt road,
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
knee deep snow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)

I got a man to stick it out
And make a home from a rented house oh
And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done oh

How many acres, how much light
Tucked in the woods and out of sight
Talk to the neighbours and tip my cap
On a little road barely on the map

Old dirt road,
mushaboom, mushaboom)
knee deep snow
mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow,
mushaboom, mushaboom)
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Old dirt road rambling rose
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow
(mushaboom, mushaboom)
Well I'm Sold...

It's such a great depiction of a simple life that everyone wants. A mate. A family. A home.

1 2 3 4

And look how fun and cheesy she is! I would love to just hang out with her all day, dancing like goofs to her music and dressed in bright colord jumpsuits.

Shoreline 7/4
Broken Social Scene with Leslie Feist

Shoreline 7/4 is one of my current absolute favorite songs. It's got everything I love. Rock with harmony and seriousness but a lot of fun and beauty. Perfect for driving fast in the windy summer evening. This is a fan video actually. The official video is pretty boring. But I loved this backwards filming of a car wash by a bunch of kids having a blast. I've had days exactly like this. If only I had my Leslie Feist to help wash a car backwards.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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