Thanks for playing. All contestants receive a life-time supply of Rice-a-Roni and Turtle Wax.

So yep, there's a new little layout here. And I was going to tweak it more for the FireFoxers out there, who are seeing the images overlap... but I don't have internet at the new apartment until the 6th and they took away FireFox at work (which is ridiculous because it is a developer's dream, but whatever). {What is with me and confusingly long sentences?}

Anyway, I thought I'd post something, since I haven't posted in ages and I'm leaving tomorrow for California again. [It's wedding season, boo hooray!] So here it is, my magnificently pointless post.

But, yeah, thanks for all the feedback, both offline and on, over the last entry. It's been interesting over here in Domland since that post went up... if by "interesting" you mean, "oh god, why did I post that stupid paragraph and open up this colossal can of worms? oh god."

As soon as it "aired" I suddenly had a bunch of female friends from all around making passes at me that I had no idea were even interested in this hunk of man that is heydomsar. Maybe it was the hope that I was talking about you? Or maybe it was a last-chance shot in the dark?

I'm not saying that's weird or all that unwelcome or anything. It's always a fun little ego-boost. But it brings up another question I have for the ladies: What's the easiest way to hear "let's just be friends"?

Yes, sadly, the the old adage is true: we want what we can't have. Don't blame me, kids. I didn't make the rules. Valiant effort, sport. Thanks for playing. But I'm sorry, it just isn't going to happen.

Now the issue is dealing with the situation we're in. So far, it's been going ok on my end. When a friend expresses interest and I generally see this person only as a friend, all I've done so far is show some kind of appreciation and then promptly never bring up the subject again. Staggeringly, this has worked out beautifully. Rarely has anyone ever broken down crying to my face and I've actually stayed friends with almost all of those girls. So maybe I need to stick with what works. But who knows what the girls are feeling about this. Would you rather we go into it more? Do you need some kind of definite "no, not ever"? Do you need reasons? Does "it's not you, it's me" actually feel better? Or can I just go on with the "thanks!" and then completely pretend this whole awkward thing never happened? That's the one I like.

And don't act like I'm being a jerk here. You've all rejected the awkward pass at you too. I've been rejected a couple times. It sucks, but it's part of life. I'd just like to minimize the damage, if there is any.

At some point, the girl I'm interested in and the girl interested in me will magically sync up and be the same girl. But right now, that isn't happening. So how do you readers deal with that situation in your own lives? Any "let her down easy" tips?

You have 5 days to discuss while I'm gone. Have a great week!

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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