Global Warmth

Really, we all need to start doing our part. I know some of you couldn't care less about this subject and you will tune out my lecture like a ... HEY! Wake up! Pay attention. No glazed eyes. This is important. I need to talk to you about the environment. No sit back down. I'm not some blithering hippy tree-hugger. I'm just a guy who is sick and tired of this. We can't keep pretending that we as individuals don't matter. We do. We can all be conscientious about our habits. We can make a difference. We've got to.


The changes we make can be small. Drive a little further. Let the tap water run a little longer. Look for aerosol deodorants with CFCs. Upgrade to a Hummer, or at least quit driving that compact car. Use more paper or better yet, plastic. If we all try a tiny bit harder, we can really make this Global Warming thing happen.


Think of the polar bears and the penguins! Do they really like the polar ice caps? No! No one does. Everyone likes palm trees. And what good are places like the Florida Keys or Manhattan? If we can collectively raise the oceans a few feet through our Global Warming efforts, we can forget these dreary places ever existed.


But most important, we need to do something about this everlasting winter. It's snowing here again today. It's been snowing off and on for weeks now, with no signs of letting up. You know what that means? It means somebody isn't doing their part. Somebody is conserving and reusing and recycling and minimizing their carbon footprint and that is just despicable. Somebody needs to shape up and burn some fossil fuels. And I think that somebody is you! You've been caught shopping organic and now look what you have to show for yourself.... more snow. It should be springtime! You are ruining it for everyone. You've contributed to the most miserable winter I can remember. And it has to stop.


I'd remind you to think of the children, and your children's children -- but you don't care. Let the children freeze. Fine. It's on your conscience. I for one can no longer take this freezing weather. Something must be done. Something grass-roots. Get the message out there among the people. Make every day Earth Day and show you care before it's too late. Me and my cold toes are pleading for your support.

Posted by heydomsar

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Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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