
Guys, I just had the best night. I spent it with this amazing girl and my friends agree that she was awesome. She came over to see me and we had so much fun. Just hanging out and acting like fools. She seemed really interested in everything I had to say. And she held my attention exclusively the entire time. That is super rare for me.


By the end of the night we were tight. She fell asleep on my chest and I never felt more at peace. For the better part of an hour, I stared at her soft face and breathed in the scent of her hair. She slept soundly to the rise and fall of my chest and the beat of my heart. I never wanted to move again.


But eventually her parents returned to put her in her car-seat and take her home. I missed her as soon as the door closed and I can't wait to babysit my niece again.

Posted by heydomsar

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